Charles M. Hagmaier

Damn, that would have been a good gag, shame AoS never used it. SHIELD is, like, the least spy-like international spy agency ever.

Yeah, except they were actual government agents, of the sort made fun of by Archer in these degenerate times. Although Leverage is definitely a caper-style show, just with flat-out criminals instead of secret agents. When they try to do government-agency-good-guys shows like Mission: Impossible these days, it gets

It was the overall "let's be criminals for the little guy" activist-leftist attitude that got more and more obnoxious as time went on that got to me, an attitude in the real world that often descends into a sort of "misery farming" plantation mentality that drives me up a wall. Also, they had a Warren Buffett-style

More of a Leverage plot, isn't it? I'm not sure whether or not I'm sad that they're not still around to pull off outrageous cons like that. On the one hand, hilarious competence porn, on the other hand, increasingly obnoxious politics… eh.

Unless you consider the lesser Whedons' writing output to be a class of cultural terrorism, in which case, very Relevant.

More like wearing a Gestapo uniform through a rabbi convention. Sadly, I know a guy who did that - he claimed it was for a Star Trek costume contest at the SF convention sharing the hotel, but knowing that guy, he might have planned it ahead of time for the lulz.

Yeah, that was intended to be an exception set, unless you think Maria "Queen Catherine" Doyle Kennedy is also an unknown?

Come on, you know Nick Cage would last all of about five minutes with Extremis in his system.

Nah, The Burn Notice gang was the A Team. I used to have a list of these equivalencies between Seventies/Eighties series and Ought/Teens series, but I think I've mentally misplaced it…

Kind of makes me wonder if a LMD of Hudson went home to start a family & a big-box supply shop in Sandy, UT, though.

Orphan Black isn't really doing anything like what AoS is trying to do, though. A lot of AoS's problems *are* its assets - the huge-ass sandbox, the need to keep from stepping the toes of other productions working in that same sandbox, big-ego actors. Orphan Black's strengths are its smallness, its focus, its

Joss Whedon has exactly one writing credit on the show, the pilot, and I would be willing to bet that he is almost never in the writers' room doing any script work. There's almost none of his trademark inverted-language wit in any of the scripts.

I kind of think we're getting prepared for a "Saturn Eating His Son" climax. At least, I'm assuming that's what the servers are about. Honestly, I expected Root to end up blowing up that container ship with all the servers on board, whatever they're doing is much sneakier and therefore less likely to come off

So did anyone else pick up on the Orpheus/Eurydice references in the last ten minutes of the episode? I thought I was maybe imagining it before Reese told Grace "don't look back" at the end. Although they mixed it up by having the dead man come out of Hades to redeem his captive love, so I dunno…

The Beam in Dan Didio's eye?

He bald-face admitted it to Alicia before when he actually was convicted of a murder he didn't commit, that it was the one he didn't do that caught up with him. We've *known* he was a killer, but then, don't we pretty much know the same thing about Kalinda? She had a much better reason for it than Sweeney, but they

A team of 7,000, I would think, since there wouldn't be time to corral citizens and process the forms otherwise. And even then, you'd have to mobilize the troops on a dime. I could see it in three hours, given Chicago Machine-style resources, but one? Only if Eli has a team with blank signature lists just sitting

Oh, Christ, I hope not. Peter would eat him alive. Polmar's already such a naif, *that* triangle would be like throwing a toddler in a lion's cage.

The "hour to get 7,000 signatures" thing was an ugly moment, for anyone who has actually participated in that part of politics. It strongly suggests that Eli regularly plays in the filthy end of the political pool. You cannot get 7,000 legit signatures on that sort of notice, not even in Chicago, but you can get

It's clearly a joke at this point, a Sweeney wife/fiance is the equivalent of a Spinal Tap drummer - you're not likely to see one more than once, and they have the life-expectancy of a British subaltern on the Somme.