
I’m pretty confident that a modern tuna can is better built than whatever that vehicle is. I have no idea what a Lada is, but it appears to be a death trap constructed out of aluminum foil.

Any one have a video of the crash?

Nothing for the 3DS? That's tragic. Oh well.

Is this a personal attack?? This is a microaggression and I did not consent to you talking to me this way. This is basically rape.

Doesn’t feel like they are nailing anything to anything. So far it appears to be going exactly as the laws authors have planned.

Less boobs would be less NICEE.

I would counter with: how do pro-lifers make abortionists care about the unborn baby being killed?

Abortion shouldn’t be a litmus test for whether or not your can call yourself a Democrat.

I’ve only tried the Beyond Burger. I can unequivocally state anyone who says it tastes like meat is either straight up lying, has never actually eaten meat, or hasn’t eaten meat in so long they forgot what it tastes like. Because it simply doesn’t taste like real meat.

“... we kept joining missions as they were nearly finished.”

I thoroughly enjoyed everything about FFX.

One last point: currently there is a 2012 300 SRT for sale at Carmax for 28k.

I think the color looks great, the car looks great, sounds great, and used pricing on them is very reasonable.

The system absolutely does not work like this though. There are safe baby laws in both Kentucky, Tennessee, and Texas (which allows a full 60 days) which would allow a person to drop their baby off at any safe haven location and be absolved of parental responsibility.

Both Kentucky and Tennessee have safe baby haven laws, there is absolutely nothing that would have forced this lady to coparent with her baby. She could have terminated her parental rights with zero repercussions.

$500 for a ceiling fan???? Why? How?? What does it do for that much besides move air?? Are the blades coated or made of actual platinum??

$500 for a ceiling fan???? Why? How?? What does it do for that much besides move air?? Are the blades coated or made

What the heck are their expenses though? Lyft takes nearly 40% of every dollar that my buddy generates driving for them, and as near as I can tell, their outlay is nil. Surely an automated dispatching process can’t be costing them THAT much. Maybe the onboarding? Are they spending too many millions giving drivers Amps?

Hard pass. Looking forward to hearing more about the real new Ranger, not the oversized and overpriced monstrosity currently pretending to be a Ranger.

$600 for Hyper branded bike with a 250w rear hub motor and a 36v 7.8ah battery, christ almighty have mercy.

$600 for Hyper branded bike with a 250w rear hub motor and a 36v 7.8ah battery, christ almighty have mercy.

Kraft mac tastes like straight ass now. Can’t stomach the stuff anymore. Doesn’t taste anything like I remember it tasting. I have to buy cheap generic store brand stuff to get old Kraft mac flavor that I remember.