
yeah, I just finished watching the second season last night, and… damn.

nihilism? :)

but I live in Canada :( I have no excuse! :/

I'm tempted to contact them about that. it's super annoying on mobile…

I've only watched a few episodes of the second season, but… I can uncomfortably recognize some of my own foibles in his "people pleasing" / "nice guy" schtick. maybe not to the same degree or expressed in the same manner, but… yeah.

how innovative :)

I think the only thing I've heard that Papoose has done is Alphabet Slaughter. it was technically impressive, but that's all I can really remember

ohhh. I thought it was a reference to something! like maybe you were on a smartphone or tablet and Beer Bad became Beer Baron or something >. < my bad.

yeah, I think I looked that up after first seeing the dedication after an Angel episode.

goddammit. that makes me really sad.

I didn't go, but I'm pretty sure she came to a Toronto con this past year?one of the big ones.

I think I got the gist of your comment til "Beer Baron" - - autocorrect?

upvoted for open ended questions! making it a highly specific question pertaining to a colleague seems like it might lead to bland answers more often than not.

the escalation via almost pranks and general screwing around does serve to flesh things out a bit, while building up to bigger things.

I can accept him having that sentiment, but as others have expressed (yourself included?) the timing as a pretext / excuse made no sense whatsoever.

especially because there's only one Slayer… you'd think they'd be more keen on actually providing her assistance in some regard, not just sending Giles there… ish… and hoping for the best

didn't the actor who played Doyle pass away some time after the first season? :/ I seem to remember a dedication in there somewhere

she sings really well! her vocal part really stood out.

lolwat k

ehh, I think it's more a lack of critical thinking. if you can Google something and disprove it in about five minutes of looking at reliable sources… Occam's Razor and all that.