
You seem like a really fun guy.

I usually don't mind when a third-party accessory dies. When a Nyko (or whichever) controller stops working, it's a sad day, but I generally accept it as par for the course.

Meh. Don't get me wrong I always think these things are beautiful but we all know for now they are impossible on the normal gamers machine. Even then it would be pushing it. Now if you can make a big game that looks like this including sound, music, physics...etc then I'd be blown away.

I wonder who keeps all lights turned on during daylight.

you can watch it through the YouTube app on ps4. Nice clickbait though, you and the kotaku gang are unrivalled in that regard

Driveclub is a much better game, fanboy.


I liked hearing the spray can shake sound in Second Son... I know, so simple, but damn did it sound real.

This is definitely one of my favorite features of this console generation. I've been working my way through GTAV and I'm loving whenever someone calls. Really builds up the world around you. I hope more developers take advantage of this feature.

Agreed. But it must include the same soundtrack from the original Vice City, and they can add in a few more tracks if they want.

I know I should be wishing that the next GTA goes somewhere new, but I'd really like to see 1980's Vice City on current-gen.