Kids and shit, amiright? And sometimes it’s a Baby Ruth bar! Gratuitous Caddyshack reference - a movie the Tuck probably loves.
Kids and shit, amiright? And sometimes it’s a Baby Ruth bar! Gratuitous Caddyshack reference - a movie the Tuck probably loves.
Just to head this off at the pass; no, it’s still racist if you’re going to come into the comments to say something along the lines of “You know I normally wouldn’t say this, but the Roma really are [insert X stereotype here], and I know that because of [insert Y story about a trip to Europe]”
At the end of the day 10 bodies in voting booths matter far more than a 1,000 bodies screaming in the streets. I get the cathartic release that comes from protesting. I understand wanting rally with like-minded people. But one, where was all that energy and drive back in November when it actually MATTERED? And two,…
No price is too steep when it comes to prosecuting brown people.
Winner winner chicken dinner.
I’m taking a shot in the dark, but I’m going to hazard that, as it stands -right now-, this entire clusterfuck is costing the taxpayers far more money than the imagined figures they tend to blame illegal immigrants for.
This is what I hate about the argument being put forth. No one in their fucking right mind up to election night ever imagined in their worst-case-scenario that Trump would ever win. You, me, the rest of the voters, and even the Republicans.
People can sit there and say Hillary was a bad candidate, but she beat…
It’s not about leading voters to the Democratic side - the Republican nominee for President has won the popular vote only once in the last quarter century (Bush in 2004).
How do they not have this in a basic profanity filter? I assume if I went on there as a third party seller and named my hat “A great motherfucking hat” they’d catch that.
He honestly thinks Executive Orders are actually legislation?
LAUGH OR CRY - WHICH ONE DO I DO.....(2017's recurring question)
“White House Accuses Outgoing Ethics Chief of Grandstanding in Statement That Misspells His Name”
Wasn’t there an AI twitter bot that turned into a slutty nazi? I kind of feel like letting AIs see the internet is a pretty obvious way to hasten our demise as a species...
It’s more complicated than that, but it boils down to a simple adage: if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Police are trained to be hammers. Many of them develop the skills they need to be effective for their communities, but that all tends to fall under ‘on the job’ training, as opposed to…
Thank you, police in America are trained well to do what they do. That just happens to be protecting corporations, shooting citizens, and protecting themselves.
There’s statements coming up here about the poor training of American police, and this is something that needs to be addressed: most police officers receive very good training, but the problem is that it’s tactically heavy training.
I don’t know, what kind of genitals do Confederate flags have?
Another email from August 2015 “referred to the sex organs of white and black men, Caitlyn Jenner, Bill Cosby, a Confederate flag, and Dorothy and the Tin Man.”