
I tried to get an IUD but my cervix refused to dilate enough. Has anyone else had this happen? I’m currently on the pill but I’d LOVE to get on something long term given the current state of politics.

I’m sure many won’t renew. Why spend the $800 + attorney’s fees when there’s no guarantee they’ll be able to stay past March? This current administration is just cruel. It’s funny how the cruelest also tend to be the most religious.

Congressmen make six figures before the kickbacks. They’ll “take a vacation to Canada/Europe” to get everything sorted out.

That and make them sign a NDA. Feels like amateur hour on Capitol Hill recently.

The answer is: $$$$

In a perfect world everyone would connect these dots. That is not the world we live in.

Can’t turn them away for emergency care, but they can still foot them with a hefty bill. Hospitals will turn them away for subsequent care that isn’t deemed an emergency, like physical therapy to help bodies heal from fucking bullet wounds. PT is incredibly expensive but absolutely necessary after such trauma. GTFO of

I believe I read an article that said HIV rates are growing in poorer, rural populations, especially in the south. So what Medusa said: people who are struggling financially and/or don’t have health insurance are less likely to get tested, and even if they are diagnosed they may not be able to afford treatment, and

I’m confused - I thought they had to gut healthcare in order for their proposed tax plan to balance the budget? Or are we not worrying about a healthy budget anymore?

Exactly. I think for Republicans, their candidate won so they want to sweep this under the rug to avoid embarrassment.

Let me guess, he’s used a private email account before at some point in his life?

I was way too confident.

I agree. Some people I graduated high school with who have skilled blue collar jobs have told me they think their employer treats them too well. What does that even mean?

Precisely. Last time I got too confident I woke up and Trump was president.

So wealthy she had billions siphoned from her fortune and didn’t realize it. Must be nice.

I’m in my 20's so I don’t remember good supermarket produce. However, I spent a summer working at a CSA and oh man, all of the produce, but especially the tomatoes, were divine! That was the first time I had eaten a raw tomato and they were so good!

*sigh* Look, I too feel a little annoyed that the people who weren’t pragmatic enough to vote for Clinton, but that’s their right.

Sorry if the verb “rigged” doesn’t meet your strict interpretation. We have the actual emails that prove the DNC favored Clinton and helped her during the primaries, thereby potentially

I don’t understand these people who seem to be okay with the DNC’s favoritism. You shouldn’t have to wipe the asses of either the DNC or RNC for decades to be able to run as their presidential candidate. Bernie ran as a democrat for exposure because he had to in our broken two party system, and it shouldn’t have to be

Weekly woke lessons - this is amazing!

No one won a majority of the votes in the general election...