
I totally agree. This reminds me of the Charlie Gard case. I think it’s a good idea to have an independent board that can decide to take a person off of life support against the parents’ wishes in extreme cases like these where the patient is nearly brain dead and keeping them alive is just cruel.

I agree it’s an issue. I think that since we share such a large land border with Mexico, illegal immigration from Central and South America won’t let up until the economies in worse-off countries improve. So I personally feel our government should do a little more to help struggling economies so people have less of an

Don’t forget that when the ACA was passed, Dems had control of Congress and the White House. They didn’t have to appease Republicans, they had to appease moderate Dems. The pharmaceutical lobbyists donate a lot of $$ to people on both sides of the aisle.

Also he probably knew Ford would pardon him


Maybe that is what it means to be a “successful businessman” in some professions.Maybe society should revisit that.

I was the same way. I guess I’m thinking more about the adults.

Let it go, bro.

Good points!

I don’t know how I feel about all of these people who gave him the benefit of the doubt and are now so disappointed in how this presidency is turning out. Like, we tried to tell you? Y’all ever going to acknowledge you chose not to listen? When do I get to say I told you so?!

Already posted but my grandmother survived pancreatic cancer through shear luck. She bad a benign tumor right beside the malignant one, and doctors performed surgery to remove the benign tumor that was causing issues and discovered the cancer. They refer to her as a miracle, because by the time the malignant tumor

Pancreatic cancer is so scary. My Grandmother had it and survived only because she had a benign tumor RIGHT BESIDE the malignant tumor on her pancreas. The benign tumor, which was in no way caused by the pancreatic cancer, was giving her trouble so doctors went in to remove it and discovered cancer. Doctors told her

Wow. I hope you learn to have some empathy.

But you and your family won’t live there forever. Having these requirements ensures that when people with disabilities are searching for places to live, they have options.

Thank you. You’ve stated this more eloquently than I could.

I would entertain this as long as Uber makes damn sure the person seeking accommodation is always guaranteed a ride that will show up in a reasonable amount of time

Thank you! And that’s the point of the U.K.’s medical board - to step in and say, parents you’re being unreasonable, this baby is suffering,

You get all of the stars.

Yeah isn’t it a 10% chance of 4% improvement?

This! This is why I’m glad that the U.K. and the EU had those boards that said, hey parents, we get that this is super tough but you’re being unreasonable.