
Elizabeth Gilbert seems like a love addict, who loves falling in love. The more complicated and slightly dysfunctional the relationship the better. I guess they make for better stories.

I’m sorry the person you were when you were younger embarrasses you so much now, but that does not make this album bad, it makes your perspective shallow.

You know, if you are related to Donald Trump, might not be the best thing to post pictures with captions in what looks like Russian.

The hospital system I normally went to decided to just up and close their dermatology department. I made a new patient appointment with the other major hospital system in our city in June 2018. That appointment was last week. 

when rich people hear that we want everyone to get equal access to healthcare, they naturally assume that means they’ll have to suffer the way we do, because they know that their extreme wealth depends fundamentally on our poverty

This was easily the best episode of the season. Save for Jess, I did not think the recipients this season were particularly deserving. That said, these ladies are amazing. They work their asses off and clearly never took any time for themselves. I think they are smart enough to contract with the bottling company and

Yeah. I was thinking how it was a bit infantilizing to suggest there was a likelihood they’d fail, when really nothing overtly suggested this.

I don’t know, something aobut the tone of the article suggests to me the author not-so-secretly wanted this to fail because then she could come in and write about how wrong it was for 5 queer men to think they could save 2 black women?

The hitman in a low-rent porno acts like the blood flow went to the wrong head. Surprised? Me neither.

Dan, you have to turn your head so you see the picture next to the “Target Practice” caption...

Yes, the person who was clear about not having the money to pay for the registration should absolutely spend all their free money (because they’re obviously super wealthy) on transportation.

You realize the climate threat is on par with what Lincoln and FDR did? Like there aren’t equal because they’re all different, but in terms of scope and necessity, the New Green Deal is vitally important.

I saw the commercials and the over the top reactions and fully expected all of the celebrities to be C-listers at best or no-listers. Antonio Brown of the Steelers??? I won’t watch but I suspect the final reveal will be Dustin Diamond from Saved By The Bell.

Scientology’s “why” is internalized in its members and exploited by its leadersRemember, it started as a self-help movement. They were looking for a way to make themselves “better” people, and unfortunately, that sick fuck Hubbard managed to define, for them, what “better” was. Their growth in the 60's and 70's

“Even a video of her looking crazy and highly medicated would help quiet the rumors that she’s dead.”

An important fact of note is that the Scientologists, being investigated by the IRS for fraudulently claiming to be a tax-exempt church (when they are, in fact, a cult and a Ponzi scheme) filed literally thousands of aggressively adversarial lawsuits against the IRS and beat them into submission.

You joke, but if you rearrange the letters of David Miscavige, you’ll spell:

Everyone, stop freaking out. She’s not missing. She’s simply locked in a windowless dungeon, chained to a wall.

I don’t want to say that the lawyer has a point but if you think about it you’ll notice that if you rearrange the letters in the name Anna Merlan you can spell “Xenu Forever”

Thanks for writing about this Anna. While I was watching this episode last night I was thinking that it would be great to have a weekly recap of this show on Jez. Ms. Remini (note the spelling Farrakhan...might be easier for you to pronounce) is such a loud, beautiful BAMF. Tom DeVocht was recounting a converstion he