
The ghost horse contingent from Pawnee is in agreement as well.

Haha - I keep saying “Ex-tent-ation” in my head.

Yours is the correct opinion. Chris or gtfo. Also, kinja is making my pictures super huge today, but I decided that wasn’t necessarily a negative in this case.



TBH, 50% of the reason “Let’s Have Intercourse” is on that list is because I would totally have taken Scott Michael Foster up on that offer.


“I just so deeply hate...”

Oh yes, the show definitely satirizes romcoms as well!

I’ve watched the video a lot and I STILL expect the lyric to be “Your sons are going to be fine”. I love this song! (The first one not so much).

Also, since jokes about hatred of women have spanned the ages, then jokes about hatred of men surely have a place too.

I watched the show live last Friday. For most of the episode, I was smiling along, thinking, “Okay, yeah, maybe not as good as S1, but still pretty good.” And then as soon as the song ended with “Your sons are gonna be rapists!”, I did a spit-take and howled with laughter.

Women, or at least a certain behavior from certain women, is the target. And that’s okay. Rebecca is the opposite of a rational person, and her friends are along for the ride, even if they (thankfully) attempt to steer the vehicle from time to time. They’re being silly and petty, which can be cathartic after a

Perhaps it could have been more nuanced in light of #notallmen, but I feel like openly calling out harassment and complicity with harassment is a different thing than pouring a bunch of rose with your girlfriends in your own home and just shitting all over men’s ability to wipe their own asses.

I think it’s aimed primarily at the conventions of shows and movies like this. There always seems to be a scene (especially in older romantic comedies), in which a group of women get drunk and, well, generalize about men. This show has always taken aim as tropes (rushing to the airport to stop a loved one from moving,

It’s either just a harmless fluff piece about bitching with your friends, or:


Yeah, it would have been soooo much better to joke about this with your friends than to tag the people that were directly involved in the incident

No, really, it was a jerky thing to tag them. Just own it and move on.

Ohhhhh ok so you’re just trolling by not giving any substance to your name calling and extremist insinuations. Gotcha. Thanks for the reply!