
You could have stopped after the “I’m probably a terrible fucking person” part. You’re right, you are. Houston is one of the bluest cities in the country and is majority minority.

If Beric kept getting resurrected just so he could fucking die at Eastwatch... anti-climactic is too kind a word for that.

When we started swim lessons, my mom bought towels that had a different cereals featured on them. Whenever we left them in the car, because we were dumbasses, she would yell, “Who left the damn Wheaties towel in the car? Again!” Then we’d finger point.

I know it’s weird, but bear with me - if you Google “American Civil War” or “Confederate States” or whatever today, even after statues are being removed, you still get the same results you did yesterday. Somehow, I assume through magic and the hopes and dreams of a million redneck cousinfuckers, history has not been

I have a degree in history. It required zero viewings of those statues. The history of the civil war can be remembered in books and museums. It does not require placing the leaders of rebellion on literal pedestals.

It’s only been 7 months. This seriously needs to stop. And to all of the people claiming that Trump is the lesser of two evils or that he and Hillary were the same....

The government did not deprive them of their jobs. This is not a 1st amendment issue.

your right to free speech, contrary to what many many many idiots in this country have somehow NEVER learned, does not mean right to say whatever you want and then be shocked that there are consequences for it that AREN’T just “you can’t say that.”

Word HAS reached Dragonstone. Jon actually says out loud “Arya’s alive. Bran’s alive.” when reading the message that arrived by raven. Jon doesn’t know that Gendry knows or cares about Arya, and if Gendry has heard Arya’s dead, it’s not exactly something you ask her brother about.

The right to free speech protects these people against being arrested for expressing their beliefs. It does not protect their jobs and it does not protect them from any consequences other than being arrested.

I am wondering how the Jorah/Dany/Samwell Tarly connection works out. With Samwell curing Jorah, will Sam’s father finally accept him as a son and switch sides from the Lannisters to the Starks and/or Dany? Somehow, Jorah will talk to Randyll Tarly at somepoint somehow.

Also, Dany loses her last allies because she’s constantly high on the smell of her own farts. “WHY ARE YOU NOT CALLING ME QUEEN RIGHT NOW WHAT IS THIS SHIT. I AM THE QUEEN. DID I NOT SAY THAT YET BECAUSE I AM. QUEEN.”

Or, “If You Want to be President, Don’t Have a Vagina”.

Reminder that it’s possible to believe both that O.J. Simpson killed two people in 1994 and that the Nevada parole board did its job correctly today

The thirstiest of thirst.

I love how he just walks over to Pod and says “You’re the luckiest man alive.” I could not stop laughing.

I love the way Tormund looks at Brienne. Love it. From the first moment, he’s looked at her like she’s the most attractive woman he’s ever seen. It’s so great. Like grab your friend’s arm, pull it out of it’s socket, (DON’T LOOK! DON’T LOOK! OKAY LOOK!) wide eyed admiration of a man whose fallen so head over heels

I fucking hate bits of gratuitous romance in my fantasy-actiony shit (STOP KISSIN’ AND GET BACK TO THE SWORDFIGHTS), and I am not one to “’ship” characters. BUT. These little Tormund/Brienne interludes are, I swear, one of my favorite parts of the show now. Everything about this is DELIGHTFUL.

I like this. Tormund seems to be genuinely attracted to Brienne. She doesn’t quite know how to react.