
OMG yesssssss!

God damn, the eye flutter. Swoon.

It’s times like this when I’m glad to be a redneck.

Jet Fuel Can’t Melt Idiocy

Seems like a good idea. What could possibly go wrong?

This is only tangentially related but my ex boyfriend and former best friend just posted a 9/11 truther video the other day. I couldn't believe that he would be so fucking gullible. Drugs are bad is the only lesson I could find. Thank god I dodged that bullet.

I like it. I want to see it happen.

so you aren’t going to donate to my kickstarter or what

I could watch Edd watch shit all day long.

Brienne’s face was the same face my little 6 month old girl kitten made the first night an old Tom cat sat on our back fence caterwauling to woo her into sexual maturity. “Whaaaa? Do I like that? Hissss?” Confused, disgusted, intrigued.

The eye fucking is so strong. Also Tormund will not be deterred.

I guess they call that one-sided twitterpated.

When you know, you know. Light-ning.

GIRL I FEEL YOU. I used to completely freeze up around men I liked. Or just blurted out whatever first came to my mind.


Think that was the same face I made in elementary school when boys looked at you. Poor Brienne probably hasn’t had that kind of male attention, ever. Tormund was almost drooling over her. Thought of the story she told Pod about the boys pretending to like her but really were making fun of her behind her back. She was

I am with it.

All I want to talk about is Tormund and Brienne.