
This is one of my favourite cars ever. Saw a green one a couple of months back

I'm so happy that my dad's as big a Petrol head as I am. And has had some pretty damn awesome cars.

*cough* I'm number 3, and I don't even have a Miata.

I'm partial to the rear door handle of Alfa Romeos.

Honda S2000 FTW!

@TampaRon: You should have come to stockholm. Way too many of them here.

It looks more like a lamborghini, doesn't it?

Preferably in wagon form, but sedan works.

Wait, I thought that the V10 in the RS6 was Audis own.

I saw a Ferrari dressed up like that at a dealership here in Stockholm. In fact, I think it was a 599. No, wait, it was a California.