
Yes, but they (and their more modern cousins like standardized tests) are also used as measures of merit, so their unscientific use can be and is often complicit in the reproduction of racism.

Tom, how are you still here when congress outlawed nutsacks as this fine fellow detailed

Oh good lord, believe me, I’m not part of the “everything Donald Trump does is 4D chess” guys. He has evolved a rich range of survival strategies, including camouflage, mimicry, playing dead, poison and squirting out clouds of ink.

I like it when studios do this. Makes me feel like, at some level, telling a good story still has some weight in the decision making process, rather than forcing some garbage out to dupe audiences.

I just bought this little gem for $750.00 All the parts are there and it didn’t look like it spent the last 20 years in a chicken coop. 1970 Triumph GT6

Nope, I agree. It was just mostly more of the same mediocre later-years Top Gear. The only part I really enjoyed was the Namibia special. I think they should just scrap the test track and studio parts altogether and focus the show entirely on road trips. They definitely have the budget for it now, and that’s when they

Clearly, a regime change is needed. The cult-leading, nuclear war-hungry, authoritarian madman has to go.

It irks me that of all four of my grandparents, the one who is least like Dale Hansen is the only one that is still around.

Here’s to hoping Dale follows in the footsteps of his distant cousin Chris and pitches ABC on a sting show where he arranges to meet white supremacists and nationalists he meets online...

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”
Those words are starting to feel awfully ominous considering where we sit currently... 

Fuck the confederate flag and literally everyone who flies it.

If a NASCAR fan were flying the Confederate Flag, wouldn’t that be about as disrespectful toward the American Flag as anything in the history of America?

Neil is ok with zombie ice dragons?!?!? Neil, bro... where did it all go wrong?

How can you declare war when the Korean War never officially ended?

It’s a nice looking car that’s priced well....and I hate crossovers. I am also having a crisis.

Millennial here. Also not too fond of millennials.

This post combines Volvo’s and millenials, two things historically Ihaven’t been fond of, yet I like the car and the service seems to make sense.

Because some people like trucks.