Loving the cleaning the tub part
Loving the cleaning the tub part
Loving the cleaning the tub part
Loving the cleaning the tub part
Pet cleaning, rinsing a specific area if you have really bad water pressure, massaging a sore muscle if you have really good water pressure, masturbation.
Pet cleaning, rinsing a specific area if you have really bad water pressure, massaging a sore muscle if you have…
In my opinion, no. It’s not like somebody is going to buy raw milk by accident; if you’re buying a cow share or paying $15 a gallon or whatever, you’ve made your decision and you know it’s considered dangerous. Ideally I think it should be legal but everyone should have the sense not to buy it.
We need to hear Jimmy Fallon’s pro-gamer response.
They’re large enough to support multiple teams. Massive Chalice was a different team from Broken Age, for example. Though they did try and pretend they could support a mid-sized San Francisco-based development team entirely off Early Access proceeds, so they’ve have varying levels of support...
See I kinda liked that part of the game. I found it fits witht the idea that killing is easy, but it makes you more like your enemy. Killing everyone makes you no different from them, but if you choose not to kill, you’re still the hero, rather than an anti-hero. It is a kind of artificial difficulty, but narrative…
Hint, if you and your wife wake up within 15 minutes of each other in the middle of the night and end up purging from both ends simultaneously it is probably food poisoning. Sister in law fed us pea soup that she later admitted had been on the counter for a day or more. worst thing is that she had to pass a food…
Ah, yes - the mythical clean with no loose cables, papers or anything desk. I remember that. Lasted about three minutes before I started using the space.
They are being paid. Just not a lot. He (I assume) is trolling and I hate to clarify for a troll, but I feel the same way. Is it considered exploitation if these women are taking this shitty job in the hopes of being seen in front of 15-20,000 people 40 times per year in order to jump start a career in acting,…
Shucks, hoping for more news on a definitive date for the PC release. I’ve been anxiously wanting to impulse buy this and play the heck out of it.
I’m not sure why, but writing this made me want to eat ground beef even more. Mmmm tacos....
Hey hey hey! Your comment is for After Hours! Don’t you know this is a family thread?? : )
I didn’t know there were people who cut drywall with anything other than a utility knife.
Yeah, the same screwdriver that I then use to screw in the anchor and screw I needed the hole for. Much better in my opinion.
Don’t forget to leave an inch all the way around of the top paper (usually green) if you are going to patch a hole. Holds much better than tape.
I got a GTX 970 and it came with this game. I was pretty excited — I had heard the bad reports coming in, but I figured my graphics card was beefy enough. And it was! For a time. But once I got to SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS the part where Joker stuff appears when you’re not directly looking at things, my frame rate…
Y:the last man, saga, fear agent, sweet tooth, American vampire, blacksad, Locke and key for starters
It’s a game that prides itself on world building and “simulating” real life, it doesn’t get that excuse.
Playing almost any other video game diminished my enjoyment of Destiny.
I’ve been thinking about it lately and I’ve come to the conclusion that, in a lot of ways, Fallout 3 diminished my enjoyment of Destiny. Hear me out before calling that statement ridiculous. It was the the first time I played a game where mainstay RPG elements were put into a first person shooter. Technically…