
>$200 keyboards, trackballs, and unicorn frapps... I know your losing it now Fahey. We can each have our own likes and dislikes but I will always contend that if you put the effort you use on something like a joystick, trackball, trackpad, etc into a quality mouse you will be way ahead.

Yes, one of the few times that I wish there was actually some DLC planned for a game.

I once said “put the Batman Arkham fighting into any game and I will love it”. This game put that to the test because the combat was certainly not as fun as Batman (much like shadow of Mordor), but the locations and environment were just so cool and fun that it was redeemed.

Serious? Because they (just like every other site) prefer to advertise items that they get a kickback on.

Serious? Because they (just like every other site) prefer to advertise items that they get a kickback on.

That move has always worked for me back at the vault ;)

Totally agree, I think it works for this film but most of my favorite Anime/movies of the last few decades have primarily adult characters; Mushi Shi, Cowboy Bebop, Spice and Wolf, etc.

Check out Mushi Shi and Spice and Wolf, my wife really enjoyed those as they are very distinctly not your typical anime.

I think people are starting to realize that entertainment reviews from people whose careers involve giving their opinion (for money or not) are pretty much worthless. I was a little surprised to see the reviews from the gawker writers but I think I have determined that, in general, most entertainment just doesn’t hold

I’ve been doing the “pits, bits and tits” thing for most of my life (minus the time that I was in construction, I definitely had to do some scrubbing after those work days). So it’s good to hear my cleaning plan is acceptable, but lately I have been more focused on my feet. On days that I can’t fit a shower in I will

Thanks, I’ll check his channel out. I do listen to a couple of podcasts that go over lore content so I know about the characters, places, etc. But the way that the content is doled out via quests, zones, gated content, and raids makes it really hard for me to make a fluid story in my mind when it can take months to

I like the idea because as a current sub who has been playing off and on (back for each expac at least) since the first open beta tieing the storyline together from all the quests and content has been near impossible for me. I have been loving the crap out of Legion and read every piece of text that I could as I

I mostly agree, though I did enjoy the show and would still recommend it. I also had a beef with the overall LGBTQ+ community that latched onto the ending and made it a celebration of whatever they wanted it to be. I knew about it looong before I actually saw the ending and when I saw it... I still didn’t see anything

I mostly agree, though I did enjoy the show and would still recommend it. I also had a beef with the overall LGBTQ+

Is it weird, as someone who has been building PCs for decades, that I kind of want to try this to see how my process stacks up to the developers?

I’m not sure the point of this “premium” option? I’m using an ancient Kenwood home theater receiver, some paradigm bookshelf speakers, a center speaker(that are also ancient) with some cheapo surround speakers and it sounds amazing. you could easily pick up the gear that I am using for less than $400 on ebay. 

I’m not sure the point of this “premium” option? I’m using an ancient Kenwood home theater receiver, some paradigm

No kidding, for audiophiles this might seem like an interesting prospect, for normal people there are so many better options. I’m using an ancient Kenwood home theater receiver and some paradigm bookshelf speakers (that are also ancient) and it sounds amazing. you could easily pick up the gear that I am using for less

No kidding, for audiophiles this might seem like an interesting prospect, for normal people there are so many better

What is their business plan for funding this school going forward? If this is their full time job and it’s funded from a 2014 win how are they surviving?

Dang, and I thought I was gonna get an opposing view to every other liberal gawker writer... ohh well, nothing to see here, move along.

WRONG! Left for Dead (either one)

Ohh Fahey, you seem like someone that I would enjoy hanging out with.. Of course since we both have two kids it would probably end up being something quite different that I imagine but still, one can dream.

Have you tested tethering on your current phone? try turning it on and see what happens, if that doesn’t work try a tethering app (are those still around?). I don’t have tethering on my Verizon plan but my Note 3 (stock)somehow bypasses it and allows tethering anyway.