I know seasons is only for PC but I’m pretty sure that adventure mode is also for console.
I know seasons is only for PC but I’m pretty sure that adventure mode is also for console.
Your welcome, that link I posted is not mine just the one I followed to build my character, I’m still missing the weapon he suggests for the cube so I’m not even done.
No Unity is mostly for solo, you equip one and put the other one on a follower along with the follower relic that makes them immune to death. Doing this essentially gives you a permanent 50% reduction in damage.
Ya that image is from the early reveal video where they turned everything up to 11 to show it off. I made a similar comment a while ago about developers releasing a game with decreased visuals from their “look at how amazing this game is! GET HYPED YO!” early versions.
I have the Crudest boots equipped in my Kanais cube that doubles the number of allies that you have so 5 becomes 10. Also, I’m pretty certain that the rings that increase your damage per ancient equipped works only if it is the only set you have equipped, so having those other two sets (Inna’s and Raiment of a…
I wonder if that $90us is equivalent to $60 in Asia?
I agree, I just couldn’t get into the subsequent games after the greatness that was FFT.
Damnit! Another guy that got his wife to play with him... I’m so jealous. Ya I’m loving this latest expansion with the reworked class sets. I’ve been having a blast with my monk and the new Inna’s set, having 10 mystic allies at all times is just crazy.
I’m getting a very Solar Jetman vibe from this game and that excites me!
I spent a lot of time on WoW too and sometimes I second guess that time. But, I do have some genuinely fond memories with “internet” friends (many of whom I wish I could get in contact with after all this time) and that game. Thats what it really comes down to for me, does the time waster I am currently doing give me…
Well, glad to hear you at least gave it a fair shake then. I hate to hear people disliked it but never actually got to the meat and potatoes of the game. (IMO) The real fun is when you get a full build and can experience the synergy of your skills with the proper gear.
Well, maybe my case is unique but I generally level every class to max with each expac and for the first few years all we had was adventure mode so I got my fill of it.
Well you sir are very fortunate to have a wife that shares in your entertainment of choice. If mine would play with me and she liked act 1 I would play through it with her also. That being said, I have leveled at least one of every class to max level with each expansion and for most of that time we didn’t have an…
if you haven’t gotten a full set before you should try to get that far, the game gets really fun when you start get a full build together.
Well there certainly isn’t a whole lot to it but I don’t think any of the Diablo games were really pushing the envelope. Certainly you play Diablo for the gameplay not the story but it is still worth playing through once. Ugh, I leveled one of each class to max level at release so I certainly have had my fill of it.
Thats extremely aggravating, its sad what abuse does to people.
Very good point. A while back I suggested to have a friend do just what Kirk did for you but I didn’t take into account someone that hadn’t played the game before. Power leveling is the only way to go once you have leveled at least one character to 70 and feel like you have a firm handle on all the mechanics. And for…
Umm maybe you could call child protective services on them?!?
I was watching this one pretty closely for a while because I liked what I saw but I’m pretty certain this is not the game for me. I have a lot of love for some roguelikes but it can quickly turn to hatred if I feel like I’m wasting my time. Case in point: I love binding of Isaac because even though i am starting over…
Interesting, I never actually got to watch the original run of X-files for some reason and I’ve been working my way through it over the past few years (really slowly). I’m turning 35 this year and to me (other than the overarcing storyline episodes) the show has been getting better with the later seasons. I’m just now…