Forget that give me another Left 4 Dead!
Forget that give me another Left 4 Dead!
I was thinking that as well but at this point its probably best to spring for the Game of the Year edition. I’m not sure how much of the DLC that will include as I think the latest releases are more expansions but pretty much everything that has been release for it has received stellar reviews.
I was thinking that as well but at this point its probably best to spring for the Game of the Year edition. I’m not…
wellll I guess its best to not go AMA (against medical advice).
NOOOOOOooooo... Unless its a taste/texture thing you should totally go with skin on. Crispy chicken skin is so amazingly tasty and the decades of anti-fat, anti-chicken skin fear mongering has finally come to an end!
I don’t think brand loyalty makes sense anymore in a world with copious amazon reviews and easily comparable prices.
I don’t think brand loyalty makes sense anymore in a world with copious amazon reviews and easily comparable prices.
Looks better than any thing with a big B on it...
I’m right there with you, I’ve been trying to get through the original run for the past few years and somehow X-files keeps losing to other shows.
The only real problem that I had with Rage is that it ended right at the peak of the story arc.
My wife and I argue on this, I hate going to eat breakfast with mint all over my mouth, and I prefer to have that clean feeling for as long as possible after. She on the other hand likes to have a clean feeling before she eats her first meal.
THIS THIS THIS! Why the hell would you clean before you knock all that crud loose????
Wait,... did you say you don’t like Fallout 4 AND Star Wars TFA?!? Umm ya I think it is you...
For #3 the biggest thing (in my mind) that wasn’t mentioned is that he has no idea how well they match compared to his relationship with his wife. He has absolutely no idea how this woman would change if they got into a relationship; does she like games? the same books? movies? Netflix queue?
To be fair, and putting aside all the inflammatory reporting, a good gaming monitor would run at least this much.
Any idea if she is supposed to be human?
What is improved? I loved the last one and actually played it through twice which is extremely rare for me.
I have come to the conclusion that DLC just doesn’t work for me. Once I have moved on from a game I have generally had my fill and very little desire to go back to a game months later for its DLC.
With all the great games out right now I don’t blame you. I had to force myself to finish the main storyline (scarecrow?) and haven’t even thought of it since then. I’m honestly thinking of just watching some YouTube videos of what happens because I have no motivation to go 100% everything to see the rest.
I’ve felt the same way about multiplayer gaming, it’s just not the same as the good ole lan parties that we used to have. Of course now that we all have kids/SOs/ and varying degrees of responsibilities its very hard to drag all our PC’s together.
I disagree with all the Fallout 4 negativity but I will cede that is wasn’t the ‘Fallout’ game that many fans of the previous entries were expecting. I will also preface this by saying that I wasn’t a big fan of 3 or NV while I did love all the isometric games before it. I have been loving the hell out of 4, with over…
Ha, I remember there used to be a line you could add via text editor to the settings that would double the view distance.