
If the ribbons bring awareness then that is almost as important as research. Breast cancer caught early is easily treated so awareness and regular checkups is very important.

Is chew still being written? A friend told me about it years ago and I haven’t taken the time to get into it.

I’ve pretty much given up on console gaming but looking at the two systems I have an interesting opinion. The Xbone has games that I would like to play (and probably will on PC) and the PS4 has games that I would like to watch. I actually was able to get my wife to sit down and watch all of Until Dawn and she doesn’t

After clicking through I saw that it is in fact made by the same guy/s so I’m glad that they were able to make it a full game. Nathan you should see if you can get some more info on the making of the game since it took so long to port.

Wow, I had to come here and post as soon as I saw this. This game is a total rip off of a web game http://www.noio.nl/2013/10/kingdo… that the dev put the source code and assets up for anyone to play with. I really hope that the steam game is made by the same guy or this better go down in flames fast.

I was so excited for this game when they first announced it, I even got my wife to say that she would play it with me. Then I found out it wouldn’t be coming to PC and that I would have to have two consoles to play with her. I should have seen it coming since it was supposed to be a FPSMMO but I had no desire to buy

Same here, the hairs are standing up all over my arms!

SQEEE! I have goosebumps, ohh the feels!

Centralia - Interesting read even though I had read about it before. But, the writer has a serious case of shock jock going on with his writing. If the people were so upset about they supposed image that their beloved town now has then they should embrace the tourism and celebrate that life that the town had with

My question is, is this something that can be forced? The passion (and length ;) ) at which you wrote about this subject is what is needed for a game of equivalent value. And I think the accurate portrayal that you speak of can only be helmed by someone of the appropriate race. I would think, the biggest fears the

I backed in on kickstarter because I also loved the original Fallout games (tactics especially) but was kind of disappointed with it. I have 29 hours into the game and can’t seem to find the motivation to go finish it. With the Dev edit coming out I will probably go back to it but it just wasn’t as engaging as I was

Interesting I’ve never really seen vaccines divided by party lines (like so many other issues). If anything I thought the Libs were more anti-vaxxers (Carry and McCartney) than the Conservatives. I’m certain most people here would consider me a Tea Party conservative and I’m very strongly for vaccines but I also work

Man, with all the plant life it’s going to be brutal on GPUs.

Loving that soundtrack!

I had a feeling it might be a case of “it’s just the scarecrows toxin” and that some of the things he has experienced are fake. I guess I’ll find out soon.

Ya unfortunately Batman in general is all just cliches of other or earlier work (I got dizzy from my eye roll with the batcomputer line). But the feel of the Arkham games has just been spot on for me. Kevin Conroy really helps with that because I grew up with the Animated Series. I replayed through Asylum and City

I say it needs to no longer be acceptable to force bangs on anime females!

Now you will never be able to NOT notice it, seriously 1 in 100 anime characters has long hair and it is usually the quite strong character the rest all have major bangs.

Why must every female character have bangs in anime? I FUCKING HATE bangs, but maybe that’s just me? I assume they are to signify youth or something but, bangs haven’t been popular for a long time and it just doesn’t make sense anymore.

Thats too bad, I was pretty bummed that I had to wait to play it as I picked up a 970 for AK and Witcher 3 then it wouldn’t play it well. But, after the patch that they released it runs really well and I feel like its the best one of the series. Somehow they were able to consistently up the Batman(ness?) with each