
I'm pretty sure that I was able to get my Rotel for ~$500 so it is definitely doable if you want quality. I do know that brand new it was $1200 but if you're looking at building your home theater with components then I would encourage trying to get a little better quality than these cheap units.

This is the receiver that your home theater deserves, marked down to the lowest price we've ever seen. [ Onkyo 575W 5.2Ch. Network-Ready 4K Ultra HD and 3D PassThrough AV Home Theater Receiver TX-NR535, $250]

Now that Disney has the reins I hope that they take the opportunity to develop her force powers a bit more than they were with Lucas at the helm. I mean, she is Luke's sister so she should be a pretty strong force adept. I believe that she never fully developed her powers in the old timeline because she was too busy

Well, I know that there are a lot of people that enjoyed it but I am finding it to be a bit of a slog. I backed the game because I loved the old Fallout games (especially tactics) but I have certainly aged beyond the genre.

Well prices do fluctuate so maybe around $50 is better but all in all a pretty decent way to go if you have the time and ability. I went with steel shelving racks in my garage then built a wooden base and added casters so I could keep everything mobile. lets just say that all together it cost me waaaaay to much.

Under $50? I'm at work so I can't watch the vid but it seems like last time I was in Lowes a 14' 2x4 was around $12 USD. Seems like it would be much closer to $100, maybe I missed something.

Hmm maybe my gas powered RC car, or my snowboard package... na its probably my wifes 2014 Ford Flex! It's not that is a bad car by any means (although the touch console really sucks imo, like 90s touch technology) but for what we ended up paying I think we should have gotten something used.

Find a crossfit gym in your area, it will cost you much more than a regular gym (usually only monthly charges though) but the community and support is unbeatable. But for goodness sake, take it easy when you first start and listen to your body, it's often popular to hate on crossfit but if you follow those two rules

Ha, I think I actually have a couple PS2 games lying around somewhere and I never even owned the system. My roomate owned the PS2 and there were a couple of games I really wanted to play like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bounc….

Sad to hear that your identity is decidedly non-faith and you feel that you need to cut yourself off from your former friends, family, and community or even worse that they cut you off. Its a tough world we live in made even worse by Christians that don't live the life that Christ taught us to live.

This is exactly what I was thinking as I read this, the story might be a lot different if the people he grew up with were more loving and supportive.

Of all of Sarkeesian's requests, I could see this being viewed as the most well-intentioned but creatively stifling one—Why not sometimes have a sexy female enemy? Why not sometimes let a character of any type be helpless or play up their gender?—and yet it also seemed to be the one where she was trying hardest to

Occasionally, as she went through these suggestions, Sarkeesian would mention counter-arguments. For example, she said that impractically-sexualized costumes communicate that a female character's "value and worth is tied to ability to arouse straight young men." But she added that some of her critics say that male

After playing what she said was an audio clip of a female League of Legends champion in combat (above) she called for less sexualized female-character voice-acting/grunting—"start with trying to make pain actually sound painful instead of orgasmic". And she rejected clothing female characters in cleavage-emphasizing

Ya I've noticed that much of here content seems to be underinformed. The prime example being double dragon where she pointed out that the men had to save the damsel, where in fact at the end of the game the girl actually defeats the bad guy.

I'm sure he gets a lot of his gear donated by companies that like the press.

Some good points here, I always build my own PCs so they have mid tier GPUs in them but I have had to troubleshoot laptops and POS all-in-ones at work before where you have to hunt down the manufacturers custom drivers. HP is my least favorite, navigating their websites SUCK!

No your not nutty, ceiling fans are a luxury item in most homes so they are definitely a nice thing to have (as long as its not just a fan with no light).

hmm, good info, thanks.

With a little study, you can open up so many ways to improve your home inexpensively through DIY electrical work.