I am at her disposition to present my apologies in person if she would like it
I am at her disposition to present my apologies in person if she would like it
If the Cavs do end up winning this series (as we all hope in futility) will this place Lebron at the level of Jordan or above?
Did they pay you to come on?
Do people still read Bill Simmons’ writing? Does he still even write?
I want a batter to hurl his bat at him after he pretends that he was okay with a brushback at near his head. Just go ahead with the swing and let the bat fly. Even if it doesn’t hit him, every other pitcher will think twice.
One of these days I want a hit batter to just calmly take his base, let the situation cool down, and then blindside rush the pitcher from the first base.
big idiot’s beef
Unbelievable that any parent would allow their child to attend Baylor still. Absolutely zero support or protection if you are a woman on campus.
I regret to admit that I followed the link out of morbid curiosity. I didn’t realize anyone needed sports coverage with a ham-fisted right-wing bias, but here we are.
Use of latest moronic conservative conspiracy theory ? Check!
The thing I love about conservatives is that they don’t understand the subject matter enough, or have enough faith in their material to just make a joke and let it stand.
It’s like, “Maybe no one signed him because he was taking knees on the sideline and on third and short! (Two minutes later) OR MAYBE IT’S BECAUSE…
say hello to Miguel Sanchez!
Baylor’s attorneys responded to the legal filing by threatening to rape opposing counsel’s sisters.
There’s always Plan B.
The Canadian broadcaster tic of adding the bumfuck hometowns of every fourth-line grinder just to fill the air is the greatest example of Canada’s horrendous inferiority complex. Most of those places are utter shitholes, too, although Kelowna’s pretty nice.
His big toe looks like a pepper that you find in the back of your fridge after a year.
Why does he have a Kardashian ass where his big toe should be?