Spoken like somebody who has never driven on the QEW
Spoken like somebody who has never driven on the QEW
So, you’ve never met a Leafs fan, huh?
Similarly, if Sean Hannity were murdered, I would find that very interesting. My heart would not be troubled in the least.
He and Pete Carroll should team up and start an investigative agency. While they’re at it, since they’re both good Trojans they ought to try to help OJ find The Real Killer™.
The jokes on Votto. That Indians fan was never thin.
“nothing suspicious to report.”
and setting good examples for young athletes.
“Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.” In this case, when US conservatives say “small government” they’re strictly talking about minimizing regulations so lobbyists can maximize their profits. They are certainly not…
Not always, actually. I saw a documentary about how religion specifically staid out of politics until the 60s when they decided to start really going in. It used to be taboo in their eyes to even bother weighing in.
You detonated the shit out of that strawman, but no one is claiming the similarity to Jim Crow is “in terms of sheer numbers”. It’s in creating segregated “separate but equal” facilities because the hate-peddlers are too squicked out by the notion of using the same water fountain/bathroom stall/whatever as their…
Lets not forget when we talk about this that the “people” these laws target are children, children who just so happen to belong to one of the most bullied groups with one of the highest self-harm rates. Even when these laws target “everyone” the only place they can actually be enforced are schools (this law takes the…
About 0.6% of people identify as transgender, or about 1.4 million adults in the U.S. So you’re right, it’s only a couple kids per high school, probably.
Republicans have a strictly defined order of governing priorities. Small government is on the list, but it’s behind being able to check out the genitals of elementary schoolers who just want to go pee.
It’s almost like Conservatives are completely full of shit.
Yeah, not long ago, in Texas v. Johnson, these Texas politician’s spent milliions to bring a case all the way to the supreme court, so that they could raid the bedrooms of private individuals whom they feared might be buttfucking. That’s who these people are. Don’t believe anything else they claim. There are no…
It’s never been about that. It’s always been about fucking over PoC, the poor, women, and the LGBT community. Oh and also making the rich even more rich. Can’t forget that last part as it’s the most important.
It’s not about small government. It’s about always having an enemy, an “other” that can distract from any real issues
“Well this case is different” - stock conservative answer.
“Why must we discriminate just a few people per school?”
Because it’s not about the actual few people per school, it’s about the religious right sending a loud public signal that being trans in general isn’t a legitimate thing. These are the same people who thought 20 years ago (and in many cases still do) that gay…
Well, now, let’s be fair here. I mean, expecting the NCAA to take a stand against any issue that doesn’t line it’s own pockets is like expecting an earthworm to start suddenly quoting Shakespeare. Meanwhile, let’s all get ready for next year’s Merle’s Car Wash and Tuxedo Rental Bowl, pitting the number 120 team and a…