That is one sloping forehead!
That is one sloping forehead!
What a fucking travesty. I always said, the longer this dragged on, chances of true justice faded. Sad in light of reports that Spanier was at a reception after the game earlier this year where they fucking honored Paterno, seen yukking it up with the old guard.
well, when the jury of your peers is a bunch of Paterno knob-slobberers, not surprising
“Get the fuck out of town” is coincidentally also the response of anyone in State College, PA to the suggestion that anyone other than Sandusky bears any responsibility.
Finally some resolution! Now the entire Penn State community can put this sordid event behind them and focus on what’s really important: winning football games!
A fucking misdemeanor? Get the fuck out of town.
Awwwww. Yeah, everybody was always out to get poor Syd.
Lol what? If this was the NBA he would have been removed from the court on a stretcher while crying his eyes out to retire the next day as his career would undoubtedly be cut short(no pun intended).
The fact you just tried to illustrate a hypothetical scenario in which any NBA player would be at all any more…
I see what you did there...
I agree, no intent to injure, that’s why I say it was a nasty fluke, but it highlights just how many missed/non-calls there’ve been with Sid. Which isn’t really an argument to MAKE a call, since slashing calls are missed all the time, nor should the ref change his mind and make a call depending on the injury. My main…
What a fucking flopper. I hate Blake.
P.S. Are we REALLY going to go the “Cindy” route? Really? I’m not going to direct this at the person in question, because quite frankly he seems a little unhinged and desperate for attention, so I’ll just appeal to anyone who happens to read this to please fuck off with that sexist (and tired; come on, that shit’s…
-Blake’s been taking some lessons from Lebron I see....
I love Sid. Huge Sid fan. But JFC. He obviously wasn’t trying to SEVER A GODDAMN FINGER - I mean, that’s a nasty fluke - but he DID slash the guy, and you don’t even call the slash?! Refs have been AWFUL this year (I know we say that every year, but this year in particular has just been BIZARRELY awful) but this is…
His body of work over the last two games has been impressive, hasn’t it?
Fucking hell he’s always been a dirty player.
If Sidney Crosby didn’t have a white babyface, this would absolutely not be the case. I understand it’s hockey, but still. The blind eye he gets is ridiculous.
In the time it took WVU not to shoot anything close to a basket in the last 30 seconds, I think anyone watching it just assumed there would be another 10 points scored in that game. The fact that they never even got off anything resembling a shot in all the time was amazing.