RT Ramone

The Amazins!

I say this is the polar opposite of “sucks.”

I simply sink into a pool of angry misery when I realize Jim Nantz will be on the mic.

Tip for getting out of the grays: post relentlessly and emotionally about your crappy NFL love object.

Ever the mewling quim...

Such endless stupidity from the NFL.

Why was he being “escorted” on the Franklin Highway?

Dump the broken bum...

So you didn’t watch the game...

“27-year-old prospect.”

And yet, Berman still rakes in millions... SMFH.

I find Hill/Smith unwatchable, unlistenable, and a mess of an overproduced failure.

Love the Pieta reference. Can still remember viewing it at the 1964 World’s Fair in Flushing on that conveyor belt transport they used.

ESPN’s ridiculous attempt to make Jemele Hill sexy is sad, cynical and impossible. Same old wine.

You pretty much nailed it concisely. Players have been carrying the ball for years. Actual dribbling is “too hard” and since Dave Bing isn’t around to buckle knees with a legal crossover anymore, ball-handling is merely a gymnastics event with a ball for a prop instead of a pretty ribbon.

D. Howard is still a bum at heart, so the Wiz should be fine.

And maybe... don’t let the Hoiberg’s comment about constant traveling (re: I. Thomas in particular) only last one day. Nobody in the NBA has to really control the ball via dribble anymore, it’s almost always a carry. Remember when turning your palm past 90 degrees was carrying or palming? I do. Now, it’s, carry,

Perhaps, but in the NBA, it’s nearly every other freaking play that the refs seem to call something. At least in hockey, there are stretches of time with no breaks except for face-offs, and no pointless “strolling around” as in the endless whistle stop(p)ages in the NBA. Also, shoot the freaking free throws without

Jackie Robinson never had to put up with this garbage.

I just puked in my mouth to avoid soiling my keyboard.