@vdiddy210 - 4 Wheel Drifted a Power Wagon: I guess I just like it because its different. However, I would trade those handles in a heartbeat for cup holders.
@vdiddy210 - 4 Wheel Drifted a Power Wagon: I guess I just like it because its different. However, I would trade those handles in a heartbeat for cup holders.
@Flathead Smith and the Screaming Straight Pipes: and cause gridlock everywhere, thats a brilliant idea. Then nobody gets to go home and everyone is stuck.
@vdiddy210 - 4 Wheel Drifted a Power Wagon: they still did not have cup holders in the 940? I have a 240 that has no cup holders, but a 940, shit that blows. Also the 240 handles are pretty sweet.
@ChiefPontiaxe is now also Chief VolvoWagonAxe: No definitely not.
@ChiefPontiaxe is now also Chief VolvoWagonAxe: I have a volvo 240, nobody can figure out how the handles on the inside work to get out.
@Alf, in pog form: it fits in well.
@mkbruin: not really considering the massive boost it will bring to Austin and surrounding areas. Montreal grand prix brings an extra 500 million in each race.
This is nothing new really. Bernie does this to every single race except for Monaco, which does not have to pay a penny to Bernie. Montreal had to pay over 100 million for their deal for the next few years.
@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: that was a scary one, you could see his feet sticking out just a bit at the end of the safety tub.
I was gonna call jump start, but I really dont think it would have made a difference.
@TheDough: actually if you knew anything about f1 you would know that it was Max Mosley and his stupid attempts to try and run every aspect of the sport that have ruined f1. Bernie is just about the money.
@DucatiChuck: your spot on with this comment. Having two races so close to one an other in terms of distance does not make sense.
@thepl4gue: I think you still have to assume everything you put on the web is potentially public domain.
they discovered this accident was caused by a loose manhole.
@Chardyll: I actually liked that movie.
GT5 under your Christmas tree in 2010(or 11, or 12)
@Adam: yah well before.
@Darnell's Auto Wrecking: i dont think so. Its a simmilar paint job, but unlikely the same car.
did it crash? or did he just have a heart attack or something?