Tycho Nestoris' Deeds of Debt

Nothing says well thought out idea like putting a bunch of small text on the back of a bus sandwiched between “Stay back 1000 feet.”

Now playing

Easy solution is to change penalty shoot-outs to the “run-up” style like that used in the 1970s NASL and in the early days of MLS

Cool Story Bro

“You have to look at the president’s three tweets,” Conway said

Watch the whole thing here.

The best part is Hannity clearly trying to get Giuliani to stop talking.

No Country for Dumb and Dumber.

It’s not nice to compare mentally disabled people to Sean Hannity.

In related news: Irony is dead, Fox News now considers Clinton a republican.

Do these guys look high to you?

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. That is 4 days.

When in Philly, Shaq always fills up at this establishment:

Got that one, too

They have declined to continue helping America’s young people enjoy outdoor recreational activities.

All these snowflakes are getting triggered over what is essentially a coupon expiration. Truly this is the Dumbest Timeline.

I’m beginning to think these people might just be looking for any excuse to shoot stuff...

From the greys: