Tycho Nestoris' Deeds of Debt

“The CBO religious right, God bless ‘em, they’re very lowball economic growth estimates just the dumbest marks you could ever find.”

Someone watched The X-Files movie!

Yeah, I am so confused. Is this poster implying the NFL does not condone or engage in political speech?

Loved the plot twist. When’s book 2 come out?

You think it’s, and I’m not talking about a war, I’m talking about, in terms of, there’s going to be two sides of this that are fighting and dividing this country at a level we’ve never seen and you’re going to basically have two sides in America, those that stand for truth and those that literally buy into the

Is Linton not the exact person “conservatives” wanted to get rid of?

I didn’t hire a decorator. I did it myself. I spent the days mostly in this exact outfit—this coat, these Ugg boots, leggings, no makeup, my hair tied up in a bun, Ubering back and forth between the hotel and the house, measuring.

Still hungry, Scott? I’ll make you into an omelette.

Allow adults to grow plants. Problem solved.

I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him

Now playing

the Republican Party put in place the regulatory and legal structure that allowed the rich to amass obscene levels of wealth; then cut taxes on those obscenely wealthy people; then claimed that the government cannot afford to continue providing the same level of services to the poor and middle class.

How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem

It’s a plant you dumb witch


pushing things like additional school resource officers saying it will land more innocent kids in jail.

does not fit the gun control narrative.

I understand your point. These are some grand generalizations though imo...

so why have laws?