
So you are a cheap, dishonest individual. OK, then.

Yeah. But, the paranoid delusions of the luddites is your gain, getting you cheap, mass produced Faraday bags!

It’s a well known possibility at this point that your phone can be “off” and still listening/spying/leaking your location. Turn off, then place in bag.

It looks like there’s two slots in the bag, and only one actually blocks RF... reading the reviews a lot of the people seem to not realize that. Although the low freq transmitter one is ambiguous.

I think we're on to something here. Or thinking too hard. One or the other...

Still wish he was actually doing Dresden, though...

This is the best conversation I've read on the Internet in a long time. Thank you two.

It actually took me a few moments to realize that he used a boxing glove arrow. It was played straight-faced and it flowed pretty naturally, I had to rewind after about a minute passed to see it for what it was. Then I re-watched it three or four times with much manly giggling. One of the best moments of the series

It really depends on how you're evaluating the numbers. Based on the sample size of the Flash (<1 season), it might be a bit unfair to use cumulative numbers to determine suckage, but by that measure, yes Laurel has sucked more. I don't know if it's enough for a suckage hall of fame, but time will tell I suppose.

I'm a writer and my partner and I developed and scripted out this concept pitch for the CW promo dept. The Fight Club idea originally came from the SVP of On-Air there (the mighty Ed Sion) and the elevator sequence was a separate script idea from us that ended up becoming the intro. What you see above is what I do for

I know, and that's what makes the shows so strong in and of themselves.

It only took 4 years, but finally something we helped create got a solo post on io9! And a reluctant thumbs up from Bricken to boot?! And for shows that I'm actually a fan of and enjoy watching!! This makes toiling away on countless reality show copy worthwhile - today at least.

I should have added "...or momentum." The whole thing just feels stalled out.

I agree with this 100%. It annoys me so much to see people talking about ASoIaF like it is the greatest thing written since LotR. Book one is fantastic, and books 2 and 3 are pretty damn good. 3 of 5 books being good is roughly the same ratio that WoT maintained over the course of 14 books and didn't start getting

That's true for Book 4 and the first half of Book 5. Then suddenly, REAL PLOT. Albeit not enough for me not to be pissed at him.

There I was, plodding through page after page of descriptions of food and pointless little subplots. Then suddenly, substantive and interesting things start happening at such an alarming

I actually think this is worse than Wheel of Time, because at least with WoT, you knew where the center of the story was, both plot-wise and character-wise. With Game of Thrones, you really have no idea. I mean the chapter 3 of Winds of Winter might feature Dany getting murdered by someone. Or Stannis falling off his

I hate to admit it, because I really enjoy a lot of the minor characters in the series but you're right. Reading the 4th and 5th books feel like pulling on a loose thread. It's entertaining for a while but you get to a point where you just want to know where it leads, damnit, and now suddenly I'm lost in the mess of

This is what's keeping me from buying and reading the books. Every single time I even think about it, parts of my brain begin slapping me and shouting WE'VE BEEN DOWN THIS ROAD BEFORE, DUMBASS!!!

Sure, but then again, in that episode, Finch also did keep trying to block its attempts to escape the confines he written into its code or built into its hardware. As I recall it didn't really make attempts to kill him, assuming it even understood death, until it was forced to at the end, having no other recourse.

500 per year to stay up to date sounds like some higher end mechanical watches are a much better deal.