
Yes. A little more info, is that your digital licenses (tickets) are stored locally on your console. If you somehow obtain a ticket for a game you didn’t buy, the 3DS eShop can’t tell (even if you’re signed in with your NNID), and it will check your local license file, and if it’s valid, it will allow you to download

Sorry, if I didn’t make it clear, I don’t assume who people voted for. Many of my neighbors and colleagues did vote blue. I’m talking specifically of the people I KNOW voted Trump, because they have bumper stickers, they have MAGA hats, or because they posted self-congralutory statuses on Facebook.

And now I’m more depressed.

We need to shut our mouths for a second and open our f-ing ears and REALLY listen to people- especially those who think differently from us. And yeah, people shouldn’t be unfriending Trump people on FB, we should be inquiring instead.

Yep, that’s why I called out the third-party voters. Anyone who looked at what was at stake and “voted their conscience” doesn’t have a single critical-thinking neuron in their head.

Congrats, you got taken in. If you paid attention, health care costs are actually rising slower than they were before Obamacare. Removing it is just going to cause costs to raise faster.

How is Hilary’s supposed pay-for-play any different than Trump’s? He’s been stocking his government with Wall Street people who donated millions to his campaign, like a Goldman Sachs exec, the epitome of bad Wall Street. Congrats, you didn’t want a candidate with ties to Wall Street so you elected a candidate with

He has a Republican House and a Republican Senate. Everything he wants will be passed if those people want to be re-elected.

I do. 2 little ones who get to grow up in this mockery of society.

One can hope.

It’s so very scary to see how many parallels there are between 2016 USA and 1930s Germany. And then a bunch of people call you a fear-mongerer when you point out the 1:1 similarities.

Half of people who voted

Not enough! You need 3 more at least!

I agree with your last. It may not end the US as a country, but it has ended the US as a bastion of freedom and openness. USA the country is still here, and will likely be here after Trump, but USA the concept is dead as of Nov 8th 2016. People might think I’m being melodramatic, but those people weren’t paying close

Yeah, I couldn’t believe these people actually thought Trump was a Wall Street outsider. Like, seriously? The Wall Street barons the right was so worried had Hillary in their pocket? Trump is one of them! Why would they worry so much about a tenuous relationship and instead install one of the people they were afraid

It hardly matters when there are SO MANY of the other types of people who are so fanatical to their own view, who are so stupid that they can’t see past the letter next to a politician’s name to evaluate what they’re actually saying and how it affects them. Because those people are breeding faster than us, and they

I think most of what I use to believe in was broken by this election - probably permanently broken.

It’s common for parents to use their children as excuses for things they don’t want to do. That’s some of the thinnest reasoning ever. Do you honestly think they wouldn’t move to the WH over Baron’s objections if she actually wanted to move there?

In a post about the crappy things that have happened in 2016, Trump absolutely belongs.

Handmaiden may be awesome, but that trailer is one of the worst, least informative trailers I’ve seen. I get no sense for what the movie is about, other than it may be a techno rave.