
It makes me happy that I usually don’t get mistaken for American, and even when I do, it’s not a huge deal because my wife is Asian. I’ve been to Japan and it was in general one of the nicest countries I’ve visited. I couldn’t imagine acting that way to the people I met in the streets or the people running the shops.

The movie’s producers even considered making the film’s white lead look more Asian via CG special effects. Yikes.

And personally, I’d rather have a child with autism than a dead child. Basically anti-vaxxers say that they’d rather their kids die than they have to deal with an autistic child. The mind boggles.

been there for more than a few decades

Yes, an explicit pandering has been apparent for the past 10-20 years, but the implicit ideology of the GOP has been there for more than a few decades.

New how? The ideas espoused by Trump have always been implied. They’re just explicit now.

Still see him as Supes when I see him in Legends of Tomorrow.

And that bugs me a lot. Lex is supposed to be supremely confident and smart, not spastic and awkward.

It seemed to me they were targeting supporters of Trump, and basically asking them “How would you feel if he talked about your mothers, daughters, sisters like this?”

Your examples are bad and you should feel bad.

Whatever you believe, the purpose of government is not to make money. And even if it were, why would you pick someone who had repeatedly failed in business?

The problem is not that they’re lawyers, it’s that they’re people beholden to businesses who helped get them elected. In other words, it’s the “business” in politics that screws it up, not the fact that politicians are lawyers.

This is one of my biggest issues with the GOP. They want a businessman to run government (see: Romney). But you objectively don’t want government run as a business. Business exist to generate profit for shareholders. Government exists to guarantee the rights and health of the governed. There is very little overlap

Yep. Corporate money as free speech? Of course it’s allowed! It’s clear as day implied through numerous ridiculous assumptions! Abortion?! No way, it’s not specifically mentioned as allowed so it’s not allowed!

I mean, it’s a different set each time they post it. And the deals ARE good for the day of the posting only. Not sure why you’d want to make it more confusing.

I mean, it’s a different set each time they post it. And the deals ARE good for the day of the posting only. Not

I don’t trust Monsanto because they’re a predatory corporation, not because they peddle GMOs.

Somehow, these 2 thoughts popped out of the same person in the same spiel. “Freeloaders! But I want the government to help with my paying for college, somehow. Not by paying, but something, maybe some regulation.” Odds that her thoughts on economy swing towards “let the free market decide”?

Watching other people play a game is nothing like trying it out for yourself. Some games might be boring as hell to watch, but super fun to play when you’re the one in the driver’s seat. Some games might look super fun to play, but are severely lacking once you play a little more than 5 minutes of it.

If you wifi connection is hitting your incoming internet speed cap, an extender will affect your speed, but if your wifi network is way faster than your incoming (pretty much most N and every single AC network), then an extender will half your bandwidth, but you’re so far above your incoming speed that it won’t really

If you wifi connection is hitting your incoming internet speed cap, an extender will affect your speed, but if your

Are we looking at the same kickstarter? The first reward tier is $15 and you get a digital copy of the game. Where did you get $50 from?