
The worlds for those games are large, yes, but they’re not as complex. You say you have coding experience. Imagine coding a game where literally everything that you can fit in your inventory can be picked up and placed out in the real world, and have a model, and a hitbox, and a position, and a rotation, and some

Not to sound too humblebraggy, but I have had $0 balance credit cards for my entire adult life, and I have not ever had a card canceled out from under me just because I don’t carry a balance. They make money every time you swipe your card, anyways. Carrying a balance and paying interest is not the only way they make

So they’re angry Starbucks is no longer pandering to their specific religion, and see it as an attack on their religion. How empty must their lives be that a corporation removing one small instance of pandering is the worst thing that’s happened to them all year?

I think the reboot/decanonization hit everything after the original trilogy. From what I understood, the Old Republic era was still “canon” until Disney decides to do a story set in that time period.

If the post was properly permissioned and not posted publicly, then yes, I’d say it’s “private”.

That’s now how they see it. They see a woman as made for 1 purpose: bearing and raising children. And any woman who does not fulfill her purpose is as useless as a car without an engine. Or wheels. The quality of the woman matters not a whit if she’s not doing what she was made to do.

Was their assessment of you solely based on the fact that you didn’t attend mid-week events and that you brought your own food to potlucks?

“I know my place, it’s to perform whatever role my husband/wife and I decide is my role to fulfill, be it working and making money, doing yard work, or staying at home to care for kids.”

Since when is their own backyard a public place? Also, they cited the wife’s words as part of the reason, and she never signed anything.

So essentially, the woman should keep quiet about her true feelings in public and just support whatever the man does?

Regardless of Sony’s first party support, the Vita has insane third party and indie support. If you want an indie and JRPG/VN gaming machine with a decent backlog of first party and action games, then $160 is well worth it.

Regardless of Sony’s first party support, the Vita has insane third party and indie support. If you want an indie

You forgot mosquitos. Throughout the year. Mosquitos everywhere. Middle of winter, slight warm up, little bit of rain, bam, mosquitos all up in your business.

It was actually tied to total words conveyed per minute via reading/talking vs TV, the average length of a child’s TV program, and the fact that kids as young as 7mo have no reference for the images they’re seeing on screen, no way to equate that table on the TV to a table in real-life.

You joke, but there are numerous studies linking screen time before age 2 to increase in attention deficit issues by age 7, and a general lessening of language skills. Not autistic, but ADD and reduction in social ability and language skills.

That’s all well and good, but the studies that analyze these sorts of things show that exposing children to screen time before age 2 can result in loss of attention and language skill advancement, and the loss of attention can take until age 7 to actually exhibit. Besides, it’s a relative comparison, so saying your

I mean, he’s not wrong, either way. 7 months is too young by almost any expert’s estimation for a child to have any screen time.

Yeah, at that age they get nothing but pretty colors. We kept our first daughter from watching anything until 1.5, then only half hour at a time of something educational. Second is 6 months old now, and she gets no screen time of any sort, even when big sis is watching Sesame Street.

That actually makes sense, that you can pick your hero. I figured there was a preset hero (or heroes) for each battle, and some allowed you a choice of heroes, which is why you got a hero select screen.

a melee Wookie rage-like attack

That’s what I’d like to see. Han on the Falcon or Chewie with bowcaster as the hero on Hoth would make more sense than Luke in RotJ duds. I guess they wanted equivalent heroes, ala 2 lightsaber slingers? But that reasoning holds less water because other things are not really equivalent. The more I think about it,