
What a miserable looking group of people

That tattoo is perfection, but then again, Rhianna is basically perfection

Uugh I used to live in that area, tons of immigrants (both legal and illegal), and shitloads of racist white people. I’m really not surprised teachers in that region were saying stuff like this. I feel bad for the students and I really hope all these fuckwits are fired. But, it’s the IE, so they probably won’t be coz

It’s like the mystery of DMV employees! Do they hire terrible people, or do people become terrible simply by working there?

Trump’s America, very soon it will all be the same thing. It’s 10am on a Monday, is it too soon to start drinking?

I had horrible skin as a teenager. But I also surfed, played water polo, was on swim team and played field hockey. That’s a lot of sunscreen and chlorine, which just makes things even worse.

I will be so devastated if she doesn’t make it. It will be like Bowie and Alan Rickman all over again. I lost my shit so hard when I heard about those two. Then John Glenn!? This year took an astronaut too?!

Please please PLEASE universe, we cannot lose Carrie Fisher too! We’ve lost so many wonderful people this by ear, 2016 cannot have Princess Leia too.

Take a knee

Of course this is in Australia lol! When it’s some animal that’s venomous, poisonous, or just generally deadly there’s like a 90% chance it’s Australia.

Thank you for sharing!

Yes! Saw a comment a little further up this thread that was so white feminism it gave me anxiety. General idea was “they made a role for a woman, and there was still an Asian role, I don’t see what the big deal is.” No, you don’t, and that’s the problem.

White feminism strikes again!

Agreed. If you don’t know what to look for how the hell are you supposed to know what’s going on. I sure as hell wouldn’t.

Thank you for putting into words what I had been trying to explain to friends/family.

I’ve been looking for something in my city, I’ve joined Facebook groups and signed up for email lists but I’m still only hearing about things AFTERWARDS. If anybody is in San Diego please share if you know of any inauguration protests! Thanks!

Fucking hell I’m going to miss this man

I would feel bad her until I remember that she can’t see that her father is a terrible fucking human being and is so desperate for his approval that she went along with this shit show. No, she drank the hate kool-aid just like the rest of the trump kids, no sympathy from me

My boy cat is EXTREMELY dependent. He will not allow me to sit anywhere on my own. If I’m on the couch he must be on my lap, or at least laying against my legs. If I’m on a chair he will sit at my feet and cry until I pick him up and he can lay on my lap. When I’m in bed he insists on sleeping on my back. But he’s so