you are allowed to type a SINGLE word in all-caps.
you are allowed to type a SINGLE word in all-caps.
cool. Thanks!
i actually was taking a poke at the author of the piece, mr. Ignatiy Vishnevetsky :)
Well, i’m not sure if there’s a National Database of Births in the US, but if there is, that would have all the babies born, therefore all the fertile or possibly-still-fertile mothers in there.
The side of the fence i straddle is the one where i get to watch tv.
I’ve got a graduate degree in religious studies, i’ve no refusal to understand sects and subsects.
You don’t want to understand words you read.
it’s an inocuous one.
The name “Melba Koh” was chosen to reflect her position as an embittered technician, as it is an anagram of “bleak ohm”. Obvious when you see it.
Atwood has read the bible. Spare us your disappointment.
And who cares what “most Christians” do, we’re talking about these Christians. These fictional Christians explicitly demonstrated to be hypocrites.
You just need to research the fertile women. Who cares about the infertile divorcees?
Male or female, it takes a certain mindset to be able to enjoy something like knitting. The absence of this contemplative, meditative mindset is more typic to action-adventure characters.
holy shit, are you a DisneyBot AI who answers Disney-related questions in a smooth, pleasant and replicable manner, i think i love you
How is this NSFW? I wouldn’t want to W anywhere this is NSF.
Dammit in my day PG movies sometimes had pubic hair! “We got bush!” No?
This is indeed anti-comedy of the highest order. Five stars.
Jacob’s Ladder, Angel Heart, Serpent and the Rainbow. Somehow three of a kind.
“MERP: an RPG for people who think that AD&D doesn’t concentrate enough on Elves, Dwarves, and Dragons”
Also, is it a “groaner” for cofefe to be in cyrillic if only one critic can read it and tell us about the joke?
Better to just shut it down. Do other things.
: Narrator : He could, but he wasn’t going to.
Sounds like Tambor is just an asshole and—shocker—so are the other men involved in the show.