
What i said in 2006, still applies today: there are too damn many TV shows and movies about “Hollywood from the inside”. With Larry Sanders, we hit capacity; with Party Down!, we got a final hurrah. Bojack is taunting me with my own potential disgust, but i can carry through.

this will be the last of our A.P. Bio coverage for a while.

just like the Sharia told them to!

i— ...shit

are we seriously going to ignore the elfant in the room

...i mean, clearly. The tragedy is, with just a bit more practice, he might have graduated from “awkwardly” doing so, to “gracefully” or at least “competently”

movie theatre seates with “electronic footrests”? Well la-dee-dah, i think i see the problem here, the UK has too much extra money, is spending it on useless motors whose strenght exceed human capacity, and this reckless mismanagement is finally catching up wth them.

Breitbart is right, Europe is finished.

He died as he lived. RIP

This is why i never date. Too risky.

hot take!

It’s all fun make-believe for people who have never worked a day in their lives.

god damn it, don’t give him a microphone, it’s a trap! He’s a prince of lies!

Eight Simple Rules for Dating an Elf Maiden

......worth it. you convinced me

classic united

The fish sauce is a delicious gilding of an already spectacular lily.

Next time, you initiate the dinner, pick the restaurant, and you get the cheque. See what happens the time after that.

those tears are worth muy dinero on Amazon.com. Coincidence?

* G’s TFO *

I almost said Fuller Hole, but...no...