Extraordinary Landmine55

But I’m not even necessarily talking about the ideas themselves. Some of these people are starting to sound like burgeoning members of the new Red Guard, but what’s really scary is that I’m not sure whether they don’t realize it or they don’t care because they feel morally justified to do so.

Can you guys just openly admit that you only like democracy when you get your way?

the rhetoric is pretty unbelievable isn’t it? Like we all know about the excess of Right Wing politics and the warning signs of it, but it seems like no really knows what left wing political excess is or how we even get there.

Part of the reason is that everytime we call someone out for authoritarian views they are

“hi everyone, im new. im going to piss you all off and then when shit hits the fan for me, im going to beg for your help” - AOC

So it was actually Pelosi who’s got the hammer here, but AOC gets the headline even though she has no authority and no weight.

And the difference between “prop” and “token” in this instance is exactly zero.

Putting up show ponies is politics 101, no question.

So true!

Well, you’re not. But if those with vested interests in perpetuating the racial divide allow that exception, heck half of America would be disqualified from use of the racial cudgel.

I have black friends!”

The amount of misinformation and lack of fact-checking in the reports about this thing have been ridiculous.

Except you were never hable to “review” a movie before it s release . It is people s intent on seeing the movie . Will you go see the movie yes or no ? Leave a comment on the reason if you like ....End of the story . Now if Bob from tulsa doesnt want to see the movie because “ endgame comes rigth after so i save my

Nah Disney, WB and Sony using a small group of reactionaries to try to discredit all criticism of them isn’t new and people really shouldn’t still take it at face value.

I know I’m in the grays on this site, but friendly reminder that The Root and your fellow members of the Kinjaverse all went in boiling hot when it came to defending Smollett. By all means we should support victims, especially from vulnerable groups, but even after his story got weirder and more nonsensical you all

Net zero emissions isn’t necessary to deal with the problem posed by climate change. Which is good because, in addition to being unnecessary, it’s simply not feasible on any time scale that’s shorter than, I dunno, a century?

Of course no one comes out saying they want a violent revolution. They just want to create an impossible economic system that won’t work. When other places have tried that, violence has followed to keep the people in line.

I’m so effing happy that AOC has “Democrat Socialist” behind her name. She’s so far in over her head and it’s glorious. But, at least she’s showing people what it means to be a Democrat Socialist.

Its just a harmless AOC article so they can claim they already wrote about her today and ignore the real story about her today.

She’s the future of what exactly?  Congress?  She’ll need to figure out how to get along with others first.  In that process her socialist zeal will be dampened because nobody west of Hoboken is interested in becoming Venezuela