I guess they finally dismissed me on the other thread. Anyway, thanks for the support. It was fun being in the black for a while.
I guess they finally dismissed me on the other thread. Anyway, thanks for the support. It was fun being in the black for a while.
Come on, person! Get with the program. No one can pass up an opportunity to use the word “latinx.” It combines two things that everyone loves: identity politics and the letter “x.”
A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery.
• A woman or girl found guilty of adultery is punishable by death (see “Islamophobia”).
• A male convicted of rape can have his conviction dismissed by marrying his victim.
• Muslim men have sexual rights to any woman/girl not…
I do not assume a level playing field. Society isn’t fair at all. It also doesn’t matter that it isn’t fair. Great people often overcome terrible conditions to make their mark in the world. Even, not attending college.
You think Capitalism is not working, Socialism does not work as well either.
3 out of 4 are Democrats, so that’s definitely good for the party. They really need to move away from any Third Way thinking, that’s very true.
Love to cite FDR’s Haily Mary pass to fend off a socialist revolution and save capitalism as evidence that the US is a socialist county.
I half suspect he’s Prince Ruprecht The Monkey Boy
Fake outrage, the gift that keeps on giving. Sure beats dealing with your weight/relationship/etc. issues.
SJWs have violated bedrock liberal principles. They are against free speech, are pro- violence, and judge everyone at all times based on race, gender, and sexuality. They are racial identitarians who do not believe in the individual. They have committed violent acts across the nation, including battering academics.…
The Internet Outrage Machine needs to Calm. The. Fuck. Down. He spoke an uncomfortable truth. Someone you know and loved is brutalized by (insert Race, Religion or Ethnicity here) and you don’t feel for a hot minute that you will tear into the next (insert Race, Religion or Ethnicity here)... Stop Lying. Yeah, he took…
Hey! Did you know that Malcolm X preached hostility towards white people? Did you know that Paul of Tarsus used to kill Christians? And Aṅgulimāla was a violent hoodlum who just masqueraded as a devotee of the Buddha! Oskar Schindler was complicit with the Nazis.
May people always be judged by all things they thought…
Now for the inevitable third article on this story, then we can call it a wrap.
This story is the perfect hunk of red meat for the usual crop of posters who get off on this sort of thing.
“So for this one black person who raped this woman, he then looked at it as all black people are rapists. Now, what he’s actually saying is, ‘This is what I thought, this is what I saw, and I am ashamed and I am horrified, and after a week I thought to myself, ‘What am I doing?’” he said.
It really does give me hope when well over half the comments on this ridiculous, bullshit clickbait article are people dunking on it for being ridiculous, bullshit and clickbait.
Stories with attitudes like this is why your site and profession are dying
Katie Rife is THE WORST.
To be fair, I read that passage and came away thinking that Liam Neeson was ashamed to have had that reaction. This is the interviewer’s editorialization, but it’s still mentioned...