Answer the question.
Answer the question.
If you understand history far, far better than I do, why is it that we fought islamophobia after 9/11? Was it to be nice and cool to Muslims? No, it was to stop radicalizing them. The same logic applies here, but you reject it. Why?
Stop following me around, asshead.
I’m a fucking liberal, you asshat. I took the the time to figure out who Antifa is and what they want, and I took the time to do the same for the alt right. You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about, but I’ve done my research. They talk about this rhetoric ALL THE TIME. It’s you people who get endlessly…
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the world's first Jewish white nationalist!
Who elected you den mother? STOP following me around and telling people to flag me, that's targeted harassment by your own fucking rules.
I do not believe in white privilege, thanks.
So you don't care that they will tell you this to your fucking face?
Sigh. I have spoken to them and they will tell you to your face that anti-white rhetoric motivates them and grows their ranks, but nobody cares, because the left are actually racist against white people and would rather shit on them then stop the problem. Oh well.
So the left says not to attack Muslims after attacks because it will lead to radicalization, but fuck white people, we'll attack them forever and nothing bad will happen. By your own logic you're wrong.
Terrorism is for political purpose. Was this fo
No. I mean shit like this.
Nope. I’ve spoken to these people and they are specifically talking about the wave of White Privilege-intersectional-anti-white rhetoric that pours out of leftist outfits and academia every single day. They talk about it all the time.
I'm just telling you what they say motivates them and grows their numbers. You want to ignore it, that's on you.
If you ask white nationalists what motivates them—and I have—they consistently credit the left’s anti-white rhetoric. But nobody cares about that.
If you ask white nationalists what motivates them—and I have—they consistently credit the left's anti-white rhetoric. But nobody cares about that.
I've spoken to white nationalists and do you know how often they credit Trump with motivating them? Never. They don't even support him anymore. They have told me that the left's anti-white rhetoric directly motivates them and grows their numbers, but nobody wants to hear that.
Bullshit. The shooter specifically said he disliked trumps policies but said he was important for nationalism. He never credited Trump in motivating him, he specifically credits visiting places where multiculturalism has failed as motivation.
Why is nationalism unacceptable? It's acceptable in every country in the world. It's normal. Are you trying to say it's somehow inherently racist? It's not about race. Why is it unacceptable?