We are a democratic republic of united states. The states choose the executive. If we did what you wanted, we would no longer be a republic. You realize this, right?
We are a democratic republic of united states. The states choose the executive. If we did what you wanted, we would no longer be a republic. You realize this, right?
You want to abolish the Senate. Nothing you say can be taken seriously.
Dude, you are advocating for something that would disenfranchise MOST states, yet you get all high and mighty? Take it down a notch.
Socialists demonstrably killed more people.
If you want progressives to win, perhaps they can stop being racist to white people?
Or perhaps progressives could just stop being racist to white people.
Or maybe, just maybe, progressives should stop being racist to white people.
If you want to fight white nationalism, stop demonizing white people. You are driving people to the Alt right. Stop it.
How do they have outsized power, precisely? Because they get a say? Going by popular vote would disenfranchise MOST states. You do realize this, right?
BBullshit, they rejected Hillary, not because of their epidermis.
Hello, my genocide-ignoring communist nigger.
But you just took the time it would take to explain this to say your time is too valuable to explain this. You simply don’t have an answer because you don’t care about disenfranchising MOST STATES. You realize this would disenfranchise MOST STATES, right?
Maybe just one thing?
You don't have an answer to this because you lost and want the executive to be chosen by coastal cities. Got it. You do not care about disenfranchising those states because you WANT to disenfranchise them.
They will fight it the moment it is tried to be implemented because it is unconstitutional and undermines the republic.
So you approve of higher populated states--really higher populated cities--completely overriding smaller states, which is the reason we have the EC to begin with?
Going by the popular vote would end the republic. We are a republic of states because the stateschoose the executive. What you are calling for would end this. What don’t you understand?
Then why are you calling for it if you understand that it protects smaller states?
No, dumbass, that's literally what progressives are saying in this article.
So you want to end the republic because you believe Native Americans are being disenfranchised in smaller states but don’t feel the need to prove that...And what you’re calling for would mean those state’s say would be determined by Native Americans...You don't know what you're talking about, do you?