Idiocy. She's a boring civic nationalist and was only mentioned by the shooter to troll YOU and you tell for it.
Idiocy. She's a boring civic nationalist and was only mentioned by the shooter to troll YOU and you tell for it.
Wrong. He mentioned Owens to simply get you people to freak out. He said so in his manifesto, which was filled with other troll material. I repeat: He only mentioned her to get the left to overreact and overextend their hand in a hysterical response. You are giving him exactly what he wants.
Then get the fuck out of western civilization. Enjoy your mud hut.
The real victims are the white people being deemed responsible for the acts of a kind self-radicalized white person.
While blackness is simply local outbreaks of vicious criminality.
Censorship. How progressive.
What the fuck are you people talking about when you refer to "whiteness" like this? Is it some kind of conceptual state of being? Is there a similarĀ concept of blackness, i.e. being aggressively criminal and refusing to live by social norms?
It is shocking that apparently black businesses aren't doing well enough to earn these contracts. Maybe they should work harder.
Maybe black businesses should step up their fucking game.
This is what happens when muy white feminism whitenesses their whiteness white supremacy institutional systems of institutional whiteness.
Yes, she does, he only mentioned her to get the media to freak out about online personalities, he says so in his manifesto. You're giving him what he wants.
What the fuck does this have to do with trump?
Nazi symbols lolo. They're a joke. A troll. You idiots bought it.
Analogy. It was a fucking analogy.
Casual racism? Kinja, please.
Shooter wants the media to freak out about online personalities to accelerate the culture war, and the media are taking the bait.
No, concentrate: He says in i s manifesto that he mentions pewpipie and owned to fucking get the left to freak out and accelerate the culture war. You are giving him what he wants.
Then you are implicating her, despite your protestations to the opposite. They do not share the same ideologies at all, and the shooter only mentioned her as a troll to accelerate the culture war. He says so in his manifesto, but the media here are running with it anyway. We are giving him what he wants.
The left are racial identitarians. Oops.
You fool the shooter stated that he did this to accelerate the culture war, and you're giving him exactly what he wants.