
Kind of obituary-esq but still a great read

Wow wtf. That is the only thing I have to say to that.

@xhedgehogx: yeah it was pretty weird haha. worth a shot to try it out however

@Jedi Niltag: When you find the Lock Orientation physical slider on your iPhone let me know

@xhedgehogx: tried that at was extremely finicky, was not the same

@Brak: Same here

Rosa where is this found? I am a dev and only have the option for setting when the side lock button does. No multi-gesture on/off slider

Good just dont tell PETA, or they will get all bitchy and whiney

Baaah ZOMG Thank you Rosa for the star! You just made my day!!!!

I would LOVE a star next to my name for Christmas ;-)

Cash is always nice but the father got me a toy helicopter for my "inner-child" it is actually quite entertaining

@in ottermann speramus: Yeah Im going to have to agree with ottermann, ive been able to do this since the remote app got updated for 4.1?

Reminds me of Alma from F.E.A.R. and gives me the shivers