
@redman042: I actually quite enjoy iWork on the iPad so hopefully it might come.

I thought Outlook was finally coming to OS X?

Burn in hell and good riddance.

Couplings is also on Netflix Instant play if you are a subscriber

@Fenix6372: "Hey Farva, whats that restaurant you like?"

@Dogen: Agreed would be awesome, a map too like something on Babylon AD would be slick

Oh great another company driving around taking pictures of everything in the world. Commence taking pictures of dead animals, people getting hit etc. Let the lawsuits begin

@octasquid: No it hasnt, this is what Apple originally intended it for. But hopefully they will make it a setting for which one you want

@vinod1978: No seriously we sign a confidentiality agreement with Apple. Register as a dev if you want iOS betas

@d0minick: Nothing really, save Wireless Printing and AirPlay, which still isnt available in general

Just installed and up and running, FINALLY folders and mutlitasking. What a god send

@vinod1978: Yeah the work around is the developer getting his account shut down with both devices bricked. register as a developer yourself or stop complaining about it. your choice.

I cant wait for this game to be updated into full throttle action. it looks pretty sweet on the iPad, but it is jaw-dropping gorgeous on the iPhone 4

How stupid, Luke Ill come get you and we can have a drink, and email whoever the hell we want

@zross312 $100 or $1000, regardless of price bringing to the pool in the first place is asking for any electronic to get damaged

I love how Amazon goes on and on about how its amazing in sunlight on that stupid ass e-ink screen. Please Amazon show us anything else besides reading on that screen like getting on the web.

Because bringing any electronic to the pool side is a good idea