
I'm no architect but my friend majors in it, and I'm pretty sure about half of the architecture students have MacBook Pros with Win7 dual booted. I'm as excited FOR them

@matt_mcmhn: Same, and since I'm a dev, they better release at least the beta to the devs

Why do stories keep getting reposted?

Im a pretty seroiust Apple fan, but I am actually really excited to see this phone do well.

I hate BlockBuster with a passion, they find every way they can to take your money. Instead of redirecting me to another store, when the one I usually go to closed down, they instead wanted to charge me for the movie I had rented. I returned it and said Yeah I'm not paying that, walked out, signed up for Netflix and

@zelannii: Yes but the streaming is what makes the difference, when you have a 16 GB phone and a 32GB iPad, Netflix is also commerical free

Potato Chips?

Yeah Hulu+ was great for awhile, but now that Netflix is on the iPhone, Netflix is a no-brainer right now

Seriously, this is news? This has been going on since Android launched, it is its biggest weakness

@Trickyhop: Mmm I do miss Google Navigation, best feature of Android, hands down

I have never owned a 360 and glad I waited out, I love the new one

@Trickyhop: I like having both an iPhone and an iPad running the same OS

Although a huge Apple fan, the iPad needs some healthy competition. I hope the HP's webOS based tablet does well and or a good Android tablet

@tomsomething: I know I hated those buggers. Problems one after another

@tomsomething: I worked at the retail stores for 2 years, I hate that system to death. I'm glad they finally got rid of those portable things, now they use iPhones and iPod Touches

@gyronic: that is the best response I have ever heard. Win

Mellencamp sucks, who cares

@TheCrudMan: Im actually a really good speller, I just hated one button was for three different letters