The white, middle class Cardinal fans feel good about themselves because they "told off" the protesters. The protesters are happy because they got attention and media coverage. And Deadspin found another reason to rag on St. Louis. Everybody wins.
The white, middle class Cardinal fans feel good about themselves because they "told off" the protesters. The protesters are happy because they got attention and media coverage. And Deadspin found another reason to rag on St. Louis. Everybody wins.
I agree. This seems excessive. He'd have to get into an amazing amount of edge-sanding to make it worth the drama. Freaking two-part epoxy even. Cmon.
*Throws Flag*
Getting rid of the intentional walk pitches will speed up some games but I think this takes the pressure off the pitcher and the catcher to actually play catch. Not sure how many passed balls have happened on these types of plays, but that would be something to look at in order to make the decision to get rid of them.…
I had a guy message me and ask if I wanted to give him head while he played Skyrim. No hello. No introduction. Just asking if I wanted to blow him while he played. Which I wouldn't really object to, he was kinda cute, except that was the entirety of his message. Missed opportunity on his part. Provide a proper…
It's sad that my silver lining to this is "well, at least he didn't call her a fucking bitch or ask to fuck her right in the pussy."
Looks like this one 'excels' over the first game.
Yeah, I LIKE being an independent adult who lives away from my parents. I LIKE living with my husband (most of the time). I'm all for having more support from the community in raising a child, but I don't think there's anything wrong with a bit of independence and boot-strap-iness.
If only I liked Taco Bell and they weren't owned by Pepsi...
It's actually him laughing at his own jokes. Olbermann is one of the greatest ventriloquists of our time.
Well that's the end of drinking orange gatorade.
Why anyone beyond her immediate family cares about this girl's uterus is another, deeper mystery of American culture, one beyond the purview of a Friday-morning blog post.
Dudes with lip rings are never not sketchy. Consider this your lesson for the day.
I don't understand why you wouldn't want to get these kinds of messages, ladies. Sometimes you have to wait months or even years to find out you've been dating an asshole, but these guys just let you know right away. It's practically a public service!
They don't give a fuck what the under 40 crowd thinks. This is squarely aimed at the 40+ crowd that was into U2 at their peak (rattle/hum, Joshua Tree era). That age group has the money to buy Apple products and is probably consuming less music now. This free album get them to open up iTunes again and maybe start…
+1 Trailer Park Boys new season on Netflix
Good for Mike, fuck that guy. Tyson has been working really on his play and was there to advertise that. The guy didn't need to throw a question like that to him.
I still don't understand why split comparisons of two different aspects of a single image exist.