I hope his family has shunned him for wearing this hat, if nothing else.
I hope his family has shunned him for wearing this hat, if nothing else.
Give him a break -- he only just started Rumspringa and hasn’t had time to shop!
recommended for reminding me of Never Let Me Go
Are you sure that that’s Princess Charlotte and not just a back up clone of Prince George a la Never Let Me Go? I’ve never realized how similar they look!
The Rant Is Too Damn High
“Fuck Portlandia! Transmisogyny – Racism – Gentrification – Queer Antagonism – Devaluation of Feminist Discourse.”
perfect gif is perfect
And Tebow asked, “but why are there only one set of footsteps on the basepath”
You can’t see it in the picture, but Jesus was flying him ‘round them bases.
“That’s not how you handle lumber.”
Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base
I opt to have the Mountain be my champion.
Helping sick people and punching douchebags?
No Clinton, no Kaine, no dice!
Punching season has been officially open