This is a pet peeve of mine too. Let's ignore the awesome no-meat options in every cuisine around the globe and instead try to vaguely approximate the few things vegans don't want to eat anyway.
This is a pet peeve of mine too. Let's ignore the awesome no-meat options in every cuisine around the globe and instead try to vaguely approximate the few things vegans don't want to eat anyway.
Damn, is it that bad not eating meat, that vegans have to lie to themselves to eat their awful food? If all you serve is soy, just fucking serve soy! Stop trying to pretty it up with fancy shapes and names of foods you're too good to eat!
Well, I shortened my very feminine name to a traditionally boys name on my resume and went from '1 or 2 interviews' to 'a shit ton of callbacks and interviews', oftentimes from the exact same company.
I have a hypothesis about Lady Gaga's terrible tattoo. I'd be willing to wager a small amount of money that she either drew it herself or it's some awful Deviantart fan artist, and that she brought it in and told the tattoo artist "I want THIS! I drew it myself / got it from a fan, so I want it as a tribute to all my…
'Unfair to boys'? The reason you don't see many female names being adopted by mean is because it's 'okay' for females to show masculine traits but not the other way around. Think about that for a moment.
And of course most trans women go for feminine names. Just like most trans men take masculine names. That has little…
I dislike Lena Dunham as much as the next person, but can we please have the courtesy to believe her story and sympathize?
I know all about the trust gap. Because the second I read that headline - before I so much as glanced at the article - I was like, "Fuck Tom Morello. He shits all over the working class he purports to represent, like a spoiled little diva. His radical affectations are just a ploy to get some naive teenage pussy." But,…
Wow. This is a serious issue of free speech intimidation by someone who may or may not have defrauded her authors but definitely is not paying some of them and has not paid various freelancers and now wants to GET THE NAMES OF COMMENTERS ON A BLOG presumably so she can separately sue them, too—and everybody here is…
Yeah this is how the dorkiest white people on earth think black people talk. They're Wes Anderson characters in blackface. Everything about them is smarmy and punchable. They're the incarnation of every negative stereotype about vegans and white people.
I'm not the one who started using the word thug in a racialized manner. Nor am I anywhere near the first person to point it out. Maybe the millionth? Ten millionth?
Yeah, this is basically the go-to phrase for when some racist asshole wants to criticize a POC, especially a black person. The n-word gets them in too much hot water (at least official news outlets, plenty of individual assholes still say it), so they code it. They mean the n-word, but by saying thug instead, they…
My favorite was Sassy. RIP.
The fluid sexuality explanation makes a lot of sense to me. You read me so well, wow! I do think that, maybe, it's certain traits that I'm attracted to and that I might go through "phases" (for lack of a better word) where I'm more attracted to one gender or the other. Thank you so much for your response.
I think he'll do the role justice. Give him some time. However, I definitely understand what you mean about the intensity and magnetism of the book Jamie. I was one of those people who thought Russell Crowe would have been perfect for the role. However, I believe Sam will bring some of that intensity in later…
Sleeping with men changes nothing about the woman or her orientation, so precluding her as a partner because she's had a penis inside her is some hella regressive shit.
Same, I use pansexual amidst peers who I think will understand the terminology, but tend to use the word bisexual when talking to others, just because it's easier than having to give that long speech about gender and attraction and sexuality as spectrums with their many nuances and variables.
If I had $1 for every time someone said my dating women was just a phase, or that my being nonmonogamous was because I'm bi, or vice versa, or asked by female friends, "do you think I'm hot?" or that I need to pick/ already picked a side, or propositioned me for a threesome, or any number of ignorant BS assumptions,…
Everyone? Citation, please! Or is this ... oh, I don't know, a bi to confirmation fucking bias?
Yeah, but his nose is all wrong. Honestly, I can't think of an actor offhand that looks how I think Jamie should look. He's got to look masculine, but with defined features- I don't particularly like him, but Jude Law? Maybe Gerard Butler?
I wonder if the strategy with the character isn't to have him transform some from "young buck" to "mature leader/man" - When we start out with him, he's pretty unexposed in many ways, and been in the role of the follower for most of his life (dad, uncles, military).