The archaeologists of the future are going to have fun with this. If any of you with tooth tattoos would care to jump in a bog, that would really help preserve everything. Just a suggestion.
The archaeologists of the future are going to have fun with this. If any of you with tooth tattoos would care to jump in a bog, that would really help preserve everything. Just a suggestion.
haha yeah as someone else said her husband the ballet star was Julian her son by him was Jory. And Julian killed himself after he had an accident and thought he'd never dance again. And Jory was injured in a production of Samson & Delilah (where his adopted sister Cindy played Delilah despite VC Andrews making no…
Minor quibble: Cathy never had a son with Dr. Paul.
I don't want to brag, but I only know who ~40% of these people are.
I find the trend of asking celebrities/public figures you don't know to your prom or ball or what have you very irritating (especially if they do it publicly, like via a video - which adds a whole new level of creepy), but damn if that isn't the loveliest possible way to respond.
"Run-in"? I hope his bizkit wasn't limp.
J. Crew Stanton shorts, that's all there is to it.
YES!! It is time for men to start wearing well-fitting shorts. Short and sporty, knee-length and slim-cut — I don't care. I am just so sick of seeing grown men walking around like they are in toddler shorts meant to accommodate a full diaper.
Somehow not at all surprising.
I lost interest in basketball when they did away with the nice short shorts. Larry Bird was the Man back then.
I was there in the late '70s and early '80s. If you didn't have an ass cheek and/or one of your two testicles exposed, you're shorts were too long. Hairy-legged men roamed the Earth and it was good.
Oh yes. Sometimes I watch those old NBA games and just grin at the cute bun-huggy shorts.
Is it me, or do almost all of those men look gay to you as well? You might well be thinking:'if they're gay why are they going on this programme then?' Publicity is the answer, we're all brands now-a-days. Thanks to global capitalism gone wild, we must endlessly promote our brand or die.
Is it just me or do like more than half of these guys look gay?
This season on the Bachlorette... we see if Andi can pick out the one straight guy in the house!
That's not true. I'm perceiving a TON of diversity in sexual orientation.
Seriously! It's gotta be how they dressed them or groomed them or something but all I'm seeing is a bunch of guys who are into guys. I mean I'm sure at least some of them are straight. Ish.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: No dick? No peace.
Women looking at pictures of hot guys and websites devoted to that pursuit cannot possibly be a novel enough idea to warrant reporting in 2014...