
A few reasons Sansa’s plan worked.

Her brother is the king, followed by except for the Vale, every other house was just utterly destroyed by this war (They finished decapitating all the Lannister before that scene, how many iron fleets need glass bottom ships?), they owed the north a debt for winning the war vs the

How there even any Northmen alive? Think about how many Northmen were slaughtered at Red Wedding, then in Battle of Bastards, then in Battle of Winterfell, then in Sack of King’s Landing, not to mention countless battles fought in between. Who even still left to fight? 

Dorne and the Iron Islands are pretty much independent already; Dorne is ruled by an actual prince, and the Iron Islands are, well, basically pirates, with occasional lapses into non-piracy just long enough for them to forget about the part where it got their asses kicked and they become pirates again. Yara is

No issue with Drogon burning the chair. Drogon not killing Jon? Can’t really understand that other than the much maligned “plot armor.

“- Bran was playing the long con all along”

The books and the show established over and over that Dany’s Dragons shared more than just an empathetic bond with her, it was almost a telepathic connection where they sensed the same things she sensed. I can easily buy Drogon knowing what the Throne is because of how deeply he understood Dany and her ambitions. 

And the winners of the Game of Thrones are the pets....

I actually liked Drogon burning the throne, it shows he was a more intelligent creature than we thought. He knew the thirst for the throne was what undid Dany. 

I don’t buy for a second that the unsullied and the Dothraki, who have been life and death across the seas battle after battle loyal to Dany would have just shrugged their shoulders at her murder..”eh, the murderer gets to live and his brother will take our Queen’s place as ruler? Ok guys cool beans!”

Thing is....it’s possible that Bran might oversee the dissolution of the Kingdom or turn it into a looser confederation. He already knows what’s gonna happen anyway.

Bran the Broken, Ruler of the Six Kingdoms!

Yeah Dorne is the one that comes to mind. The last kingdom taken, and at great cost, not the mention the most xenophobic and secluded. But TV Dorne is like 4 people I guess, so probably safer for those 4.

Oh, you know, those famously loyal Ironborn.

Yeah, Yara’s support of Dany was contingent on Dany recognizing the Iron Islands as an independent kingdom. What made her drop that demand?

Why would Dorne want back in this shitshow?

The Dothraki were shown boarding boats at the same time as the unsullied 

Yara: “Wait, we can do that?”

After Sansa said the North should be free and Bran agreed, my first thought was “oooh, I bet the rulers of the other kingdoms are kicking themselves for not having had the idea first!"

I wonder if they knew people would be pissed by hoe Jon DIDN’T connect with Ghost after the Battle of Winterfell, knowing that that connection would be fully redeemed later.  And now we can picture Jon & Ghost living happily ever after.


But seriously, some thoughts: