
That was common when pickups were primarily used as work trucks. There are still neighborhoods with ordinances like that. But today, they just prohibit “commercial” vehicles or lifted off-road vehicles.

Is jail really the best place for her? She clearly has mental health problems, sounds like some sort of intense paranoia and compulsive behavior, and should be in a secure treatment facility, not a jail. Jail isn’t gonna cure her, and is not going to help her. It seems cruel.

The Guardian piece Elizabeth quoted (inaccurately) links to another article about Hartman from 2015 that makes it pretty clear this woman is mentally ill. There’s zero mention of any sort of drug use - and while that obviously doesn’t prove squat, it strikes me as unlikely that a 60-something meth head would be

I work in real estate in Manhattan.

These aren’t even “luxury” apartments. Just some normal ass, $900/mo units. Give these people a fucking break.

RE: 1st Gear.

So how has F1, MotoGP and FIFA sanctioning events here moved the needle on civil rights? Remember, both parties said that their events should be seen to shine a light for change and not an endorsement of the status quo.  Where are we at on that?

A Wolf Raptor and Wolf Tremor?

Are we going to ignore whatever the hell this wacky thing is?

I wonder what the run-up time is to be in the fully capitalized business of vehicle destruction that lets you buy and destroy a TRX.
I mean, you probably start with @David Tracy’s $1 Kia, get some views, and move up the craigslist postings for new and interesting stuff to destroy.

But the TRX.... I mean, if he is

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Best grille for needing a ladder to check your oil...

Ooooooh boy. I feel a slideshow coming on!

I mean, best grille for what? This gigantic grille has to be best at something. Best people smasher? Best worst grille? Best grille for showing how tough you are? Best grille for showing the wind who’s boss? Best quantity of black plastic grille? Best grille for killing sales? Best grille for Ram or Ford sales?

If I could only for one day have access to Torch’s stash of mind-altering substances...

Insurance didn’t cover it because it was a pre-existing condition.

sounds like some large landscaping rocks are are in order

You wouldn’t be considered a 1% because you would neither have the cash nor the assets to make you one.

Admittedly, TG was also better when we thought Clarkson was just playing the part of a douchewaffle for the show. When it turned out that he actually *is* a raging asshole who treats people like shit, it got a little less funny.

Lowering the budgets of the Grand Tour would make the show watchable again. Some of those specials just seemed like they asked Amazon for “all the money” and were left to create something expensive.