
4K just doesn’t have enough:

Anyone else getting a LittleBigPlanet vibe from this? I love it though. I know it’s being compared to Super Paper Mario, because of the 2D to 3d versus the Front to Flip, but LBP just seems like a better reference; especially because of the cardboard.

I think this looks great. Get off your soapbox.


OMG I love this!

I’m calling it: Switch VR enabled

Does it still require a valid PSN or XBL paid account to play online?

I support GaaS, but only in the context that the game purchased at retail or digital is a completed game as a standalone product and it only gets better over time.

Still beating the “fan service anime is cringy” drum I see... I think I’ve told you before that fan service breaks the tension or anxiety of a show. Kind of like how a murder in Walking Dead or Game of Thrones resets the mood/tone, fan service does the same thing. It isn’t about the breasts, underwear, or the rape-y

Wait, Nintendo has change logs?

I stopped in the middle of Chimera Ants, it definitely jumped the shark for me. I would have loved to see the scene where Gon gets his tall hair for the first time, but I just couldn’t get beyond the Chimera thing...

Marvel Cram School vs Capcom Cram School 3?

I bought this years ago but now I’m not able to download the client any more. With games like Dragon Quest Builders and Trove I fear this game missed its boat, but it was revolutionary for its articles with Kotaku. Now I watch a game on Steam that is basically 3D Dot Game Heroes but MMO. It too will never release....

Nice video!

I work for a company I can’t respect because they openly discriminate other races and they are highly political. With the extra money I have after bills I collect steam games I don’t play and amiibos I don’t use. Yes, the wild things depression does...

The core set sucked, get over it.

Wasn’t  Ike

This. Whales with +10 and SI builds dominate the arena.

Too many waifus to worry about this banner. Who’s your best girl?

If it is extensive, why did they only give core owners 15 extra cards? O_O