
I’m just wondering how anyone would get consent to fucking said elephant before doing so, that way you wouldn’t have a SJW accusing you of rape?

I own Wonderful 101 but the game makes no sense to me. I was drawn to it because of it’s Viewtiful Joe appeal, but honestly I have no clue how this game is played.

Hunter X Hunter had a Paper Rock Scissor theme too.

Well, at least now we know that you made the line in the sand known.

NBA Jam should honor this video by having that fire suit be a playable character in the next iteration.

PewDiePie is a jokester/prankster now. He embodies the prankster movement. How can he continue to role model to kids/teens how to be hoodlums if not from his podium of shenanigans? He’d lose massive advertising appeal and he’d lose his core audience. I’d even argue that by doing something and not being true to his

Zero sum is how Public Schools teach kids to resolve conflict. Winners vs losers. I hate it, but it’s conditioned into us.

Ever since the construction of civilization, subjective arguments of betterment have existed. Sure, they both are fine games, but which is “better” and why?

I saw a Ted Talk with the woman who wrote “Eat. Pray. Love.”and she said that she acknowledged that her best years were probably behind her. This might be Pewd’s feelings about his internet fame. The best years of his YouTube life is behind him, and now he has to make a choice - evolve or go extinct.

Chills ran down my spine when you mentioned Ramza and Delita. I know very few people who could follow the story of FFT, let alone who understood the bromance between an anti-villain and the main protagonist. Great game though!

That’s pretty cool. Do you know if there are there ROM hacks of OoT? I know the ROM hacks of old SNES games can be pretty elaborate, but I never looked to see if OoT had the same treatment.

Fan them flame war flames, LOL!

Right. My brother loved the game. Just wasn’t my cup of tea. I liked the story though; just never could make it all the way through. Looks like Jason couldn’t stomach it either.

I think the OoT Rick Roll was the best. This? Eh, pretty great way to troll fanboys I guess, but will drive many insane. And the worst part is, I bet the TriForce is actually in the game files some where.

My edit to that comment was way funnier. I was trying to say that Final Fantasy VIII can’t win without doing all that against the other Final Fantasy games and making it to the final showdown.

VI > VII. But you didn’t hear it from me, LOL!

FF VIII can’t win until it draws magic from every FF opponent it faces before the final FF vs FF showdown. And you can’t use any of that magic, ever, since you may never encounter that type of magic again.

And he’ll come back by renaming it and putting it on the next generation of Kinja instead of the one it was announced for. XD

You have to wait until Jason does his review! We don’t have all the data yet, lol ;)

Are you suffering from psychosis or something? Everyone knows that Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is the true winner here.