
It would be a perfect golf cart alternative in my parents area, just gotta get it shipped to the east coast

My grandma had one of these until she gave up driving at 95 last year it was a great car. 

2014 VW GTI: Paid off

I have had every Xbox, I haven’t gotten used to any dashboard since the first slide 360 one. Since then I don’t get to play enough to get accustomed and they just keep changing.

If you have a history of paying their bills on time they will rebuy you no matter your credit.

I’m sure there are stats out there somewhere, but America used to run passenger trains and freight trains faster in the past when there were much less sophisticated grade crossings plus railroads used to be everywhere. Were there more accidents? 

The area had pretty bad rain on Sunday, track foundation could have washed out. 

I just got my Dad to book Amtrak from Philly to DC today instead of driving and first thing when he turns on the news is this and a CSX derailment in Philly lol.

Its never been a very good show, with the news that the guy holding up the show is leaving isn’t gonna bring in views. 

It was delayed so long that a GTR and C7 Corvette are the first two cars shown lol

I don’t know about the Hummer sitting on lots considering so few have even been produced and I have never even seen one on the road. 

Automated normal sails have been figured out, just do that instead of reinventing the wheel.

If only I had a basement I would be adult toying it up

In SE PA and south Jersey we had Sonic adds for years before getting one. Once we got one it lasted one winter and closed.

South Jersey has had bagels for over a year

Netflix can suck it. The only reason I still have it is because my 96 year old grandma uses my account.

Its 30fps because it has the performance of an RX 6700 10gb and at ultra 4k that gpu gets about 30fps. They could have turned down settings to get it higher but to studios ultra 4k feels more next gen then 60fps with less visual wow factor. 

A big problem with this design is the wings are too long for airports, that is a huge hurtle to overcome.